Bloodstained Stats

WIP, most of the page is cleaned up and looks presentable now. Exception the bottom max stat tables, not sure what to do with them.

Going to try to explain how the Stats work as well as I can. There's still things we don't know yet, so some of this is speculation, but I'll try to make it clear how secure we are in each example.

General note for every formula on this page: Always round decimals down.

Primary Stats

Primary stats are the basic stats that later defines the secondary stats. In general it's the Secondary stats we use in the game, but most gear/levels etc gives Primary stats. The Primary Stats are: Strength, Intelligence, Constitution, Mind and Luck. Technically also HP and MP but I just assumed everyone figured out how those worked.

Strength (STR)

Increases ATK
Will add Str/5 to the damage formula

Intelligence (INT)

Increases mATK
Will add approximately Int/2.5 to spell damage

Constitution (CON)

Increases DEF
Will add Con/2 to DEF

Mind (MND)

Increases mDEF
Will add Mnd/2 to mDEF

Luck (LCK)

Increases DropRate and Critical Chance
Don't know the actual numbers


  • Testing done by ccat places the numbers approximately:
    • 1 Luck = +0.25 drop rate
    • 1 Luck = +0.25 critical chance
    • Caps at 50 for both
ccat: it's 0.5 chance per 2 lck
ccat: caps at 50 chance
ccat: @joneirik nah I was testing the stat alone, I might be confusing the cap with crit rate but the scaling is the same for both iirc

Secondary Stats

These are usually the actual numbers you use in the game, derived from the Primary Stats. They're a bit more complicated than the Primary ones.

Attack (ATK)

Actual Physical Damage Number

This is the actual damage you do with your weapon, with no critical hits, the enemy has no defence nor any resistances. There is no random element to damage, you'll always do the same damage as long as the earlier criteria remains the same.

The actual number is created using a formula that includes WA (Weapon Attack) and Str (Strength):

Note: Always round decimals down.

TLDR: The formula uses half of your WA, and a fifth of your Str and add it together. And then it multiplies this with a variable that will increase as your WA increases. Thus higher Atk weapons will scale higher and make better use of Str.

Except for guns. I made a formula that worked for the Musketon (starter gun) but it doesn't apply for the rest, and I just couldn't be arsed to deal with them any more.
My theory is that different guns have different values that makes them scale differently per gun. I might have found some values in the DataTables that could be these modifiers, but haven't tested it yet.
Musketon: (WA/2)+(S/5)*(0+(WA/20))


The above formula was created by trial and error until it had about 99% accuracy to any example I could throw at it. As we haven't dug out the actual formula from the game code yet, this works well enough to be effectively accurate. (Except guns, obviously.)

Magic Attack (mATK)

Actual Magic Damage Number
Note: mATK is never shown inside the game.

This would be the actual damage you do with shards, with the same criteria as above. No critical hits, no enemy Def, and no enemy Resistances. And again no Random element to the damage.

After a lot of testing I manage to make this formula. It isn't perfect, as the INT scaling seems irregular. But it averages out well enough that it's use-able.

  • B = Base number, the Magic Attack stat from the spell/shard, which also depends on Grade for most of them. Example Ceruleansplash ranges from 18-27 mATK.
  • Spells do their Base damage as a straight damage number if you have no Int. So a grade 1 Ceruleansplash would do 18 damage, while a grade 9 would so 27 damage.
Example of how irregular the INT scaling can be, here testing Cerulean Splasn with 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 Int:
Example: Ceruleansplash scales: 0, +3, +5, +3, +5, +4, with int from 0-50).


  • Irregularity: mATK on weapons seemingly does nothing at all. No amount of testing has given any results, including removing mATK from existing weapons that has them (Like Raikiri) doesn't change the damage they do at all. (mATK will still work on any other equipment like normal.)


Again created by trial and error. It's more variable and can deviate a bit, but averages out very close to accurate. I'd say it's about 90% right most of the time. It's usable until we can find the actual formula from the game code.

Note: There might be spells that doesn't work with this, I haven't tested all.

Defence (DEF)

Physical Damage Reduction

Defence works as a simple Damage Reduction, it reduces all Physical damage taken with X amount. This means it doesn't scale very well and will make you feel almost invulnerable when you go back to older areas, but will not help you much at all if you get hit when wandering into a higher level area.

Damage Reduction = Def/2
Which means that: Damage Reduction 1 = 4 Constitution


  • You'll always take minimum 1 damage.
  • Defence works against all Physical Attacks: Slashing, Blunt, Piercing.


Straight out of the Data Tables, 100%.

Magic Defence (mDEF)

Magic Damage Reduction
Note: mDEF is never displayed inside the game. Neither will items show if they give an mDEF bonus or not.

Magical Defence works the same way as Defence does, except that it affects the Magical Damage types instead of the Physical. Which is much less common, since even most of the shard attacks tend to use physical attributes.

Damage Reduction = mDEF/2
Which means that: Damage Reduction 1 = 4 Mind


  • You'll always take minimum 1 damage.
  • Magic Defence works against all Magical Attacks: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Holy, Dark, Poison, Curse, Stone.
  • Though it will not help against catching the status effects from Poison, Curse, Stone. It will just reduce damage from attacks with those damage types listed.


Straight out of the Data Tables, 100%.

Resistance (RES)

Damage Resistance

Resistances works very straight forward, reduce any attack taken by X%. So if you take 100 fire damage, but have 25% fire resist, you take 75% damage. Poison/Curse/Stone also has a % chance to negate the status effect from affecting you.


Straight out of the Data Tables, 100%.

Monster Stats

Unlike the player, monsters uses mostly the Primary stats, and doesn't always make sense with the Secondary stats.


Monsters uses their STR stat for base physical damage.
A monster with STR of 10 would do 10 damage base, for example on contact damage. This can be modified in some ways, notably special attacks have their own multipliers, and difficulty settings adjust damage numbers:
  1. Base damage
  2. Special Attack Modifier
  3. Difficulty Damage Add
  4. Difficulty Damage Multiplier
  5. Final damage (before def/res etc)


Monsters uses their INT stat for base magical damage.
A monster with INT of 10 would do 10 damage base, for example on Seama water ball. This can be modified in some ways, notably difficulty settings adjust damage numbers:
  1. Base damage
  2. Difficulty Damage Add
  3. Difficulty Damage Multiplier
  4. Final damage (before mdef/res etc)


Like for players this improves defence vs physical attacks.
Physical damage reduced by 1 for every 4 DEF


Like for players this improves defence vs magical attacks.
Magical damage reduced by 1 for every 4 mDEF


Seems useless, haven't been able to see any effects.


  • Lakifume found that Monster luck might be able to prevent players from getting critical hits against said monster. This needs further testing.


How much hitpoints/health the monster have.


Seems useless, haven't been able to see any effects.


Works like normal.

Monster Stat vs Level Calculation

This section is mostly relevant for modding and editing enemy stats in:

Monsters have a level (X), but their stats are never set. Instead they have a stats at level 1 (Z) and stats at level 99 (Y), and then the system calculates what stats it gets from those three numbers. This means that if a monster changes level, it also dynamically changes its stats, for example when a monster can be level 5 in normal difficulty b level 7 in hard difficulty.

One note-able exception to this is that bosses will not change their health when they change levels. The reason being that they just set their health stat at level 1 and 99 to the same number.

How to determine Monster effective stats:

  • Monster level (X)
  • Stat at level 99 (Y)
  • Stat at level 1 (Z)
  • Stat per 1 level from level 2+ (A)
  1. (Y-Z)/98=A
  2. Z+((X-1)*A)
  3. Repeat for each stat


Zangetsu starts with two pieces of gear equipped (and since he has no equipment menu you can't remove them), which does drastically alter his starting stats.

  • Black Belt (+5 def, +3 str, +3 con, +10% faster attack speed)
  • Zangetsuto (45 wATK, Slaymoon variable)

This is a large part of the reason why Zangetsu feels so strong at the start of the game, because he's running around with an end-game weapon. His entire game mode might feel more balanced if he started with a weaker weapon, and it grew each time he killed a boss or something.


Just a section to note up some of the things that uses different numbers in Bloodless mode from the other modes.

Stat Up

Bloodless Alternative Mode have a few extra parameters:

HPMax 15 Changes normal HP max up upgrades
MPMax 3 Changes normal MP max up upgrades
STR Up 6 Bloodless only shard pickup
INT Up 4 Bloodless only shard pickup
CON Up 6 Bloodless only shard pickup
MND Up 4 Bloodless only shard pickup
LCK Up 4 Bloodless only shard pickup
Crit/Luck 0.5 Bloodless only shard pickup
Mp reg Up 0.5 Bloodless only shard pickup
Base Def 5 Bloodless only shard pickup


  • Bloddless still uses the same MAX numbers for HP (500) and MP (300) pickups. This means she needs less HP pickups to max out, but significantly more MP pickups. And is going to need a LOT of runs if you want to max out her MP stat.
  • There's a limited number of each pickup (Should eventually get around to list up all of that when writing up the actual page for Bloodless mode)


Bloodless have a own unique formula for calculating wATK (Weapon ATK). Thanks to Lakifume for finding this:

wATK + ((STR*STRco1)/10) * (wATK/10) + STRco2 * (STR/100)
This means at level 1 with STR 9, Bloodless will have wATK 17 (17,52 but always round down).
wATK = “MainStoryBaseAttack” from PB_DT_BRVAttackDamage 12
STRco1 = “BloodlessMainStoryModeDamageCoeff_STR_A” from PB_DT_CoordinateParameter 5
STRco2 = “BloodlessMainStoryModeDamageCoeff_STR_B” from PB_DT_CoordinateParameter 1

Player Stat Bonuses

Maximum obtainable Passive Stats, and from what sources you can get them. This does not include changeable things like Gear and equipping yellow shards for doubling the effect. Just all the passives that you can always have on in the background.


Miriam 1 99 MaxUp Food SkillAug Tome Tot1 Tot99
maxhp 120 1296 500 375 100 1095 2271
maxmp 78 862 300 235 50 663 1447
str 6 104 40 10 10 66 164
con 5 93 42 10 10 67 155
int 7 114 43 10 10 70 177
mdn 7 105 43 10 10 70 168
lck 5 29 24 10 20 59 83
XP bon 10 40 50 50
MP reg 8 8 8
Level 1 99 MaxUp Food SkillAug Tome Tot1 Tot99
AtkSpd 40 40 40
Familiar 20 20 20
DirShard 20 20 20
MoveSpd 40 40 40
WepProf 40 40 40
ResZan 15 15 15
ResDag 15 15 15
ResTot 15 15 15
ResFla 25 15 40 40
ResIce 25 15 40 40
ResLig 25 15 40 40
ResHol 15 15 30 30
ResDar 15 15 30 30
ResPet 15 15 30 30
ResPoi 15 15 30 30
ResCur 15 15 30 30


Zangie 1 99 MaxUp Tot1 Tot99
maxhp 300 1770 500 800 2270
maxmp 200 1180 300 500 1480
str 8 155 8 155
con 10 186 10 186
int 8 155 8 155
mdn 9 176 9 176
lck 1 25 1 25
XP bon
MP reg
Level 1 99 MaxUp Tot1 Tot99
Slash 50 50 50
Blunt 50 50 50
Pierce 50 50 50
Fire 50 50 50
Ice 50 50 50
Lightning 50 50 50
Holy 50 50 50
Dark 25 25 25
Poison 50 50 50
Curse 50 50 50
Stone 50 50 50
Slow 0 0 0


Bloodless 1 99 MaxUp Tot1 Tot99
maxhp 250 1230 500 (34) 750 1730
maxmp 130 326 300 (100) 430 626
str 9 131 48 (8) 57 179
con 10 108 32 (8) 42 140
int 6 128 48 (8) 54 176
mdn 4 102 32 (8) 36 134
lck 1 25 12 (3) 13 37
XP bon
MP reg 1 1 1,5 (3) 2,5 2.5
Level 1 99 MaxUp Tot1 Tot99
Ice 30 30 30
Holy -25 -25 -25
Dark 25 25 25
Curse 100 100 100
Stone 100 100 100
Slow 50 50 50


Aurora 1 99 MaxUp Tot1 Tot99
maxhp 120 1590 500 620 2090
maxmp 150 1914 300 450 2214
str 8 155 8 155
con 10 157 10 157
int 8 184 8 184
mdn 9 175 9 175
lck 1 25 1 25
XP bon
MP reg
Level 1 99 MaxUp Tot1 Tot99
Slash 50 50 50
Blunt 50 50 50
Pierce 50 50 50
Fire 50 50 50
Ice 50 50 50
Lightning 50 50 50
Holy 50 50 50
Dark 25 25 25
Poison 50 50 50
Curse 50 50 50
Stone 50 50 50
Slow 0 0 0

Stats Per Level

Pardon, this section is a mess. I have to figure out if this table is worth keeping and if so how to clean it up to make it more useful.


This table shows how much stats you'll have on each level.

Note: Always round down.
Miriam P0000 1 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 99
HP 120 12 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240 348 468 588 708 828 948 1068 1188 1296
MP 78 8 78 86 94 102 110 118 126 134 142 150 158 230 310 390 470 550 630 710 790 862
Str 6 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 104
Con 5 0.9 5 5.9 6.8 7.7 8.6 9.5 10.4 11.3 12.2 13.1 14 22.1 31.1 40.1 49.1 58.1 67.1 76.1 85.1 93.2
Int 7 1.1 7 8.1 9.2 10.3 11.4 12.5 13.6 14.7 15.8 16.9 18 27.9 38.9 49.9 60.9 71.9 82.9 93.9 104.9 114.8
Mind 7 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 105
Luck 5 0.25 5 5.25 5.5 5.75 6 6.25 6.5 6.75 7 7.25 7.5 9.75 12.25 14.75 17.25 19.75 22.25 24.75 27.25 29.5
Zangetsu P0001 1 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 99
HP 300 15 300 315 330 345 360 375 390 405 420 435 450 585 735 885 1035 1185 1335 1485 1635 1770
MP 200 10 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 390 490 590 690 790 890 990 1090 1180
Str 8 1.5 8 9.5 11 12.5 14 15.5 17 18.5 20 21.5 23 36.5 51.5 66.5 81.5 96.5 111.5 126.5 141.5 155
Con 10 1.8 10 11.8 13.6 15.4 17.2 19 20.8 22.6 24.4 26.2 28 44.2 62.2 80.2 98.2 116.2 134.2 152.2 170.2 186.4
Int 8 1.5 8 9.5 11 12.5 14 15.5 17 18.5 20 21.5 23 36.5 51.5 66.5 81.5 96.5 111.5 126.5 141.5 155
Mind 9 1.7 9 10.7 12.4 14.1 15.8 17.5 19.2 20.9 22.6 24.3 26 41.3 58.3 75.3 92.3 109.3 126.3 143.3 160.3 175.6
Luck 1 0.25 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 5.75 8.25 10.75 13.25 15.75 18.25 20.75 23.25 25.5
Bloodless P0006 1 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 99
HP 250 10 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 440 540 640 740 840 940 1040 1140 1230
MP 130 2 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 168 188 208 228 248 268 288 308 326
Str 9 1.25 9 10.25 11.5 12.75 14 15.25 16.5 17.75 19 20.25 21.5 32.75 45.25 57.75 70.25 82.75 95.25 107.75 120.25 131.5
Con 10 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 108
Int 6 1.25 6 7.25 8.5 9.75 11 12.25 13.5 14.75 16 17.25 18.5 29.75 42.25 54.75 67.25 79.75 92.25 104.75 117.25 128.5
Mind 4 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 102
Luck 1 0.25 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 5.75 8.25 10.75 13.25 15.75 18.25 20.75 23.25 25.5
Aurora P0003 1 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 99
HP 120 15 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 405 555 705 855 1005 1155 1305 1455 1590
MP 150 18 150 168 186 204 222 240 258 276 294 312 330 492 672 852 1032 1212 1392 1572 1752 1914
Str 8 1.5 8 9.5 11 12.5 14 15.5 17 18.5 20 21.5 23 36.5 51.5 66.5 81.5 96.5 111.5 126.5 141.5 155
Con 10 1.5 10 11.5 13 14.5 16 17.5 19 20.5 22 23.5 25 38.5 53.5 68.5 83.5 98.5 113.5 128.5 143.5 157
Int 8 1.8 8 9.8 11.6 13.4 15.2 17 18.8 20.6 22.4 24.2 26 42.2 60.2 78.2 96.2 114.2 132.2 150.2 168.2 184.4
Mind 9 1.7 9 10.7 12.4 14.1 15.8 17.5 19.2 20.9 22.6 24.3 26 41.3 58.3 75.3 92.3 109.3 126.3 143.3 160.3 175.6
Luck 1 0.25 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 5.75 8.25 10.75 13.25 15.75 18.25 20.75 23.25 25.5
