Tutorial: Modifying a 3D Model's Texture; Step 5.
Import the Texture Into Unreal Engine
Return to the Epic Games Launcher. Once Unreal Engine version 4.22.3 has finished installing, click the yellow “Launch” button to open it.
Once it's loaded, create a new blank project with no starter content. I placed this project next to my “ModelEdits” folder which contains the .tga texture file I'll be importing.
After that's created, select “Edit → Project Settings…” from the menu bar.
Search for “pak” and uncheck “Use Pak File”.
Search for “event driven” and make sure “Event Driven Loader Enabled” is checked. Then close this window.
In the Content Browser section, click the button on the left next to “Filters” to show the sources panel.
You will see an empty “Content” folder. Right click on it and create a new folder.
Your goal here will be to mimic the file path of the original .uasset file that contains the .tga texture you've modified, starting with “Core”. Check your “extracted” folder from step 3 to verify the original path of the texture.
Drag and drop your .tga texture file into Unreal's content browser inside of the deepest folder, “Face” folder in this case.
Verify that the both the file path and texture name match the original .uasset path and filename (from the folder where you originally extracted the game's .pak file). If these don't match exactly, your edits won't show up in game.
On the menu bar, click “File → Save All”.
Now you are ready to package the project and create the new .uasset files which will replace the old ones. On the menu bar, click “File → Package Project → Windows → Windows (64-bit)”.
In the dialog that pops up, create a “Cooked” folder and select it.
A popup notification will show, and will disappear when the packaging is complete.