Randomizer Options:

WIP! All of this is still in the making, and is bound to have a lot of mistakes.

Listing all the Randomizer options, and trying to gather information on how they actually work.

Thanks to all the guys in the Modding Discord for answering my questions about this, since I don't really know all that much about the randomizer.

Randomizer Specifics

Differences from the normal Miriam mode:

  • Ignores the Seama shard drop cut-scene.
  • First wall is already broken, so don't need fire shard.
  • Skips all story/cut-scenes
  • (iirc) Removes the red moon in Garden until you cut it in Gebel fight.
  • Can't use NG+ in randomizer mode.

Notes regarding Drops

  • Even monsters that have no drops can get them (Morte)
  • Bosses never get drops
  • Drop-chances usually mirror their original % but can vary depending upon settings, more details in the Drops chapter.
Having an entry in dropMaster seems unrelated to if an enemy gets drops or not. I assume everything is read into memory along with other tables and then logic is applied on it afterwards from there. We know that there must be a lot of hardcoded IDs being used for how shuffling is done. No bosses ever get items assigned to them, even though they are all in dropmaster.

Key Items


Key Items have some built in logic to try to prevent from trapping them behind things you need them for. Like trying not to put Zangetsuto in Den/Glacial Tomb, which you need the sword to access.

Note: Supposedly this file can't be edited through the normal .json and must be hex edited.


A way to bypass this, is to put the items in the “ShardId” slot instead of the “RareItemId” slot. And leave Enemy Drops: Shards untouched. This will keep the Plot items in their place despite the “Key Items” settings.

Key Items: Shuffled

Key Items are mixed among themselves only

Key Items Shuffled: Items

The first thing that happens in Randomizer is that it shuffles these six Containers among themselves, ignoring all other checks/options.

  • (24) Swordsman
  • (178) Keyofbacker1
  • (216) Silverbromide
  • (260) Keyofbacker4
  • (451) Keyofbacker3
  • (479) Keyofbacker2

Key Items Shuffled: Shards

These shards should then be randomized among themselves, no matter what container they're put in.

  • Bloodsteel
  • Demoniccapture
  • Reflectionray
  • Aquastream
  • Dimensionshift
  • Doublejump
  • Invert
  • Deepsinker
  • HighJump


  • Things I'm curious about and should test:
    • Test if I can set all key-shards to galleon mobs, and gain all at the start.
    • Test moving key-shards to chest-containers, and see how that affects randomizer.
    • Try to split the “key-shards” into 2 groups, and control which boss gains from which pool.

Key Items: Anywhere

Key Items may be found anywhere in the game

Basically, this will skip the logic system that tries to keep key items together. And just follow the other rules, especially the “Items” options.

  • Items: Retain Type - All chests are randomised between the same container tags. And all shards are randomised with other shards of the same colour.
  • Items: Retain Method - Would be things from a chest will be in any chest, things from a monster will be in any monster.
  • Items: Total Random - Should be completely random.


  • Key Items still have a logic where tries not to place them the place you need the item.
  • Key Shards might have other logic or work more complex ?


  • Does this mean that this combination would keep boss/progression shards in the same place?
    1. Key Items: Anywhere
    2. Items: Retain Type
    3. Enemy Drops: Unchanged


For this and really any other setting, it only applies if you've chose to randomize that particular aspect (i.e. setting crafting to shuffle). Otherwise that aspect is untouched. The only thing you cannot keep completely untouched is chest and wall contents. That will always be shuffled in some way.

Items: Retain Type

Retain Type Item locations will be shuffled among items of the same type

This will use the Containers type entry to group different containers together, and then randomize between themselves.

For example:

“ItemType”: “EItemType::Key”

These are the default tags used in the DropRateMaster file:

  • Accessory
  • Body
  • Bullet
  • Coin
  • Consumable
  • CraftingMats
  • Head
  • Key
  • None
  • Recipe
  • Scarf
  • Upgrade
  • Weapon

You can make 1 more tag, or basically anything that isn't tagged with one of those 13, will just be grouped together.

Items: Retain Method

Retain Method Items will be obtained via the same method as the normal game
  • Affects: Chests, Walls, Crafting, Quest Rewards
  • This does not apply to monster drops (own setting)
  • Crafting: Retains which items are craftable, but can still change materials required.
  • Possibly more?

Items: Total Random

Total Random Items are shuffled entirely at random
  • Chests + Walls are shuffled together at random
  • Depending on Crafting setting:
    • Crafting items and ingredients are random
  • Depending on Quest setting:
    • Quest Rewards are random
  • Depending on Shop Setting
    • Shop is random
  • Depending on Enemy Drops setting:
    • Enemy drops are randomly shuffled among themselves
    • Shards are randomly shuffled among themselves
For this and really any other setting, it only applies if you've chose to randomize that particular aspect (i.e. setting crafting to shuffle). Otherwise that aspect is untouched. The only thing you cannot keep completely untouched is chest and wall contents. That will always be shuffled in some way.

Enemy Drops


Drops remain consistent with the normal game

Mixed Shards

Enemy shards are randomized, but the item drops remain as normal
  • This includes the “ShardId” slot in all chests.
  • Will not change shards placed in other slots, like “RareItemId” etc
  • This can replace a shard with any other shard even if it isn't listed in DropRateMaster
    • (With Retain Type) This will replace a shard with any other shard of the same colour
    • (With Retain Method) ?
    • (With Total Chaos) ?
  • How the shuffle work:
    • Shuffles the ShardId slot to a random other enemy
    • Doesn't change the enemies drop%, only the ShardId
    • This means a Morte can get a shard, but retain a 0% drop rate
    • You can still have that shard drop if you have at least 1 luck

Mixed Items

Item drops are randomizer, but enemy shards remain as normal


  • This affects:
    1. RareItemID
    2. CommonItemId
    3. RareIngredientId
    4. CommonIngredientId
  • And not:
    1. ShardId
    2. This should change the Drop rate% for shards
  • For:
    1. Monsters
    2. Bosses


Enemy shards and item drops are both randomized
  • This should both shuffle the ShardId and the shard Drop% so you should get some weird results.

List of Options

Defeat Gebel Gebel
Defeat True Evil Last Boss
Defeat All Evil Gebel+Last Boss
Key Items
Shuffled Key Items are mixed among themselves only
Anywhere Key Items may be found anywhere in the game
Save/Warp Rooms
Unchanged Save and Warp rooms appear in the same locations as the normal game
Mixed Save and Warp rooms are randomized
Retain Type Item locations will be shuffled among items of the same type
Retain Method Items will be obtained via the same method as the normal game
Total Random Items are shuffled entirely at random
Enemy Drops
Unchanged Drops remain consistent with the normal game
Mixed Shards Enemy shards are randomized, but the item drops remain as normal
Mixed Items Item drops are randomizer, but enemy shards remain as normal
Chaos Enemy shards and item drops are both randomized
Unchanged Crafting remains unchanged from the normal game
Shuffled Crafting becomes randomized, as dictated by the ITEMS setting
Unchanged The shop's stock is unchanged from the normal game
Shuffled The shop's stock is randomized, as dictated by the ITEMS setting
Unchanged Quests are unchanged from the normal game
Shuffled Quests become randomized, as dictated by the ITEMS setting.