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Spoiler Warning: This page is a reference for in game information and will contain spoilers.

Journal Entries

Throughout the Hellhold, Miriam can find journals that reveal more of the story of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. This is a collection of those entries. The coded dates were decoded by community member LetsRollplay using a logic square.

D/XO/1764 (4/20) Whilst attempting to create my homunculus, I discovered a strange formation of white crystal growing on the subject. What is it? A sign, at long last, that my studies are progressing? I must observe it diligently and learn all I can.

C/XH/1764 (5/29) The crystal I discovered appears to be multiplying. Slowly, its corruption spreads through the cadaver I chose as a subject. It is a marvelous substance—neither entirely a liquid nor a solid. As soon as I have enough, I shall begin experiments to discover its other properties.

K/ID/1764 (6/14) The Guild has been abandoned by yet another patron. Today's world sees our work as meandering, fruitless mysticism, and whilst my superiors have tried scaring the aristocracy by insinuating their mockery of the intangible will bring demons to their gates, I doubt these tactics will suffice to avert the Guild's demise. Q/IY/1764 (8/17) My superiors act with alacrity now. They have sent a missive demanding I focus my studies on the conjuring of demons. So they see my crystal as a waste of time. And this new task is not? The Liber Logaeth has been with the Guild for generations. If they think I can squeeze a demon out of it now, their faith is sorely misplaced.

X/Y/1765 (2/7) Half a year has passed since I began my studies of demonology, and I haven't been able to conjure more than a fart thus far. My old friend insists he has seen the Liber Logaeth summon a friendly spirit—that I need only invert the rite. And yet try as I may, scour the library as I may, I have naught to show for my efforts. I cannot count how many permutations of the rite I have attempted. My methods are correct; it is my materials that fail me. What is missing? A human sacrifice? No, I must try more catalysts. The crystal I discovered continues to grow, ever so slowly. Watching it has become my sole joy…

Q/II/1765 (8/11) I have done it! Whilst small, the creature I summoned was most assuredly a demon. I thought I was clutching at straws when I tried using the crystal as a medium. But what power! Distressingly, my “small” demon nearly devastated the Guild before I could destroy it. The thought of a whole army crossing over sends chills up my spine.

Q/IX/1765 (8/12) The demon we vanquished produced a red crystal. I am calling this a “shard” to differentiate it from the white crystal, but both are strange and fascinating. The crystal exhibits a kind of magnetic pull on the shard, suggesting it may be capable of binding with the shard's demonic power. But how do I make more of it?

IX/XD/1766 (12/24) Days and weeks have gone by, but despite my many attempts to cultivate more crystal, the only way I have successfully proliferated it is with the original homunculus subject. I have tried transplanting the crystal into similar subjects, yielding the same, pitiable results. I must be failing to remember something. The crystal proliferates across my subjects' bodies like a corruption, but the process is far too slow. To amass enough crystal to summon Bael, as my superiors have asked, would require centuries. When I first discovered the crystal, it grew more quickly. How do I reproduce that? How, how, how! What am I doing wrong?

I/IY/1767 (1/17) At last, I have solved it. My first homunculus subject was a child, and recently deceased. The younger the subject and the sooner after death I act, the more quickly the crystal spreads through the body. So far I have worked only with cadavers, but with a living child… Yes… My position in the Guild is secure now.

X/Q/1767 (2/8) The Guild has supplied the children I need—I care not how—and bade me transplant the crystal. My old friend vehemently opposes the move on moral grounds, but I wish only to complete this experiment, replenish the Guild's coffers, and continue my historic work. Now, let the experiment begin.

X/Q/1767 (2/8) My theories were correct. The crystal is spreading through the children's bodies even faster than I expected. However, my superiors have delivered the grave news that no more children can be provided. This is a setback… With my current materials, it could take more than ten years to amass the crystal we require.

K/IO/1767 (6/10) My old friend has taken to spending time with the children. I cannot fathom why. He knows the future that awaits them once they have grown enough crystal…but, it is his heart to break. He mentioned a new line of study: the manipulation of kinetic energy. To try and slow the crystal's progress? He cannot be so foolish.

H/X/1776 (9/2) A terrible thing has happened. One of the children got ahold of the red shard, bringing the demon I summoned all those years ago back into our world. We somehow cut the shard loose from the boy and averted chaos, but this proves I was right; the crystal binds with the shards' power. I shall call the children “Shardbinders.”

K/IQ/1779 (6/18) The shard-binding incident made apparent our need to teach the children self-discipline. The Guild has introduced just such a regimen to verse them in combat by pitting them against the demons we summon. One boy, Gebel, has shown tremendous ability, but his crystal growth lags behind the others. Why?

I/XC/1781 (1/24) Gebel's efforts have supplied us with a large quantity of shards. Now that the children are well trained, we have begun shard-binding experiments to great success. One girl in particular, Miriam, seems to have boundless potential, both in terms of how many shards she can wield and to what magnitude.

K/IO/1783 (6/10) If my calculations are correct, then we have finally amassed enough crystal to perform the great demon summoning. It has been a long and arduous path, but we will soon reach the end. My old friend continues to oppose the ritual. However, to gain much we must sacrifice much. It is the most basic principle of alchemy.

K/IC/1783 (6/15) Has a volcano erupted? The days are dark as night, and the skies red as blood—the very picture of hell. How long must this go on? Our crops are ruined, and the phenomenon is certain to have an ill effect on people as well. But perhaps this is opportune: a sign from God that the time for the ritual is nigh.

K/AO/1783 (6/30) The skies remain unchanged, and as expected, my superiors have called upon me to perform the ritual despite my friend's objections. His opinion carries little weight in the face of the Guild's nearly unanimous support. I must away; the ritual will be performed ten days hence, and I have many preparations ahead of me.

Y/ID/1783 (7/14) The ritual is tomorrow, but we have a problem. One of the children we selected, Miriam, has fallen into a deep slumber, and her crystal—which accounts for half the catalyst we intended to use—has lost its power. I suspect my friend, but it matters not. The ritual's chances of success have waned, but we must find a way.

Y/IC/1783 (7/15) Whilst Bael did not come, the summoning was a triumphant success! Demons have flooded into our world, proving the validity of the Guild's beliefs and the necessity of our presence. However, I never imagined it would lead to such catastrophe… Was I foolish to heed my superiors so blindly? But what is done is done.

H/XD/1783 (9/24) Two months have passed. The Church vanquished the demons, but too much human life had been lost. Once it was found we had a hand in the affair, my superiors were executed and the Guild left crippled. Alchemy's principle held; we sacrificed everything, and gained just as much misery. Only by some miracle was my life spared.

K/A/1784 (6/3) Gebel did not die in the ritual. He is here… Flanked by demons, he delivers judgment to the Alchemists. My own punishment has come, and it will be far worse than the others'… To the Shardbinders who died at my hands: forgive me. And to you, my dear friend Alfred: I should have listened. May God have mercy on me…

In addition to these journal entries, there are two from a different author, possibly Benjamin, although the writer sounds more intelligent and Benjamin my not be able to read or write.

Several months have passed since I wandered into the castle. I have managed to survive thus far by rummaging through treasure chests without the monsters taking notice. Will I find something palatable today? For once, I'd like to crack a chest open and find a mouthwatering hunk of meat…

An unpleasant game of cat-and-mouse with the monsters forced me into retreat. But then, while stealing through the garden, I noticed that a blue treasure chest I had plundered once before had been freshened with a new item. Who on earth could have put it there?

Journal Date Revelations

Due to knowing the dates the journal entries were made we can deduce the following information.

When they were first brought to the Alchemists Guild,

Miriam was 2 years old (Assuming she was 18 at the year of the Ritual, she was born in 1765) Gebel was 4 years old (He's 30 at the start of RotN, which takes place in 1793. He was born in 1763)

On the year of the Ritual (1783),

Miriam was 18 (Born 1765) Gebel was 20 (Born 1763) Johannes was 20 (Born 1763) Alfred was 47 (Born 1736) Dominique was 15 (Born 1768) Zangetsu was 25 ( Born 1758)


Below is the story of the game with Xombiemike's commentary and descriptions. Different playthroughs may have a slightly different order.

The Industrial Revolution ushered in a new era that threatened to transform the values of man. No longer would spirituality be their compass. But not all welcomed the change. In 1783, just as the fires of the Laki Eruption had plunged all of Europe into an ashen darkness… a horde of demons spilled from the shadows and fell upon city after English city. It was a message. The Alchemy Guild, fearing the rise of industrialism and abandonment by their wealthy patrons, had done the unthinkable to defend their existence. Through recondite arts, the Alchemists had created Shardbinders: humans transplanted with crystal that attuned them to demonic power. They sacrificed the Shardbinders, and in doing so threw the gates of the world open to demonkind. Countless innocents died. And though the Church succeeded in vanquishing the hellsent, a steep price had already been paid and collected. As for the Shardbinders, they were presumed to have all died in the sacrificial rite. However, two survived: Gebel, a boy for whom, by some miracle, the rite did not prove fatal, …and Miriam, a girl who was spared the rite altogether on account of the strange slumber that took her just before it could begin.

Ten years have passed, and mankind too soon forgets tragedy. The demons have returned, presaged by a great castle. And on this very hour, Miriam awakens. Upon learning Gebel is the architect of this new bloodstained ritual, Miriam and the alchemist Johannes set forth for the accursed castle. Their galleon cuts through the water, lancing toward the inevitable.

Aboard the Galeon Minerva, Miriam sits looking out a window below deck as a storm rages outside. The ship creeks and groans. Here in her quarters, she stands up and walks over to speak with Johannes.

“Johannes… Are you certain it was—”

“It was Gebel's doing, Miriam. No mistake.”

“It's so hard to believe. I wouldn't even be alive if not for him. He's a good soul.”

“I know. I know how you feel. But the facts are apparent. And the hell he endured ten years ago would break the best of souls. Miriam, I want you to know that I'm sorry. What my brothers subjected you to… There's no forgiving it.”

“It was their transgression, not yours. You… You always took care of us.”

“Obviously not enough.”

“Well… let it go, Johannes. We need to focus on the task ahead. If Gebel is responsible for the summoning, then I have to stop him. I gave him my word.”

“I ought to do it. He was my best friend.”

“But I'm the only one who can. The shard experiments prepared me for combat. Let them amount to something. Ten whole years… What put me in that sleep?”

“I wish I had the answer. All I know is the spell that stopped time for you was advanced, arcane… But by observing the ebb of the magic's hold on you, I was able to predict exactly when you would wake up.”

“Oh, I see…”

“We'll make landfall soon. You should get ready. I had the chest there packed with essential equipment. Now would be a good time to put it on.”

Miriam goes to the chest and finds a Knife and Kung Fu Shoes.

“Good, you're prepared. The next order of business is to—”

In the exact spot where Miriam sat earlier, the hull of the ship bursts inward. A pale tentacled demon with a wide mouth stands ready to attack.

“I'll take care of it.”

Miriam takes care of it. A red shard explodes from the demon upon it's defeat and plunges itself into Miriam, binding to her crystal covered body. She yells in pain.

“Was that a shard?”

“I'd… forgotten the way it felt… Like uninvited claws scraping across my bones…”

“The demon's power was transmuted into that shard, which forcibly bonded to the crystal embedded in your body. The strength you gain from it is undeniable, but eventually… the crystal will devour you.”

“I thought the procedure you discovered halted the corruption.”

“It did, but that doesn't guarantee you'll be safe if you start absorbing shards in massive quantities.”

“I know my body's limits better than anyone. And I'm going to need all the power I can get. If I run into trouble, you can help me. You've done it before. You'll do it again.”

“Thanks for giving me a choice in the matter. Well, I won't let you down. Not if I can help it. Just promise you won't push yourself.”

The scream of a man can be heard outside the door to the quarters. The door bursts open, and a man runs inside, but is quickly tripped by a bubbling black demon clawing at his legs. With frightening speed he is dragged away before anyone can react.



“How did they get inside?!”

“The demons from the castle must have infested the ship!”

“Then they can help me wake up these muscles of mine. I'll wipe the deck with them.”

Miriam jumps at least 10' in the air and kicks a purple flamed lantern. The lantern shatters and five gold coins fall neatly into Miriam's inventory. She runs to exit her quarters with her scarf trailing behind in her wake. In her mind, epic music accompanies her exploration of the galleon Minerva as she fights her way to the bow of the vessel. During her fights she destroys more demons, gaining more shard abilities and finding equipment. She now is sporting helmet of some dark crab-sea urchin creature. She takes a short rest by sitting on a very elegant couch. Behind the couch is a giant statue of a six winged figure with human arms and some sort of bug like head. This room looks to belong more in a castle than a ship, but the reprieve is welcome as she replenishes her energy and constitution.

In one part of the ship the walls once again burst open, and more demons come pouring through as she gets a glimpse of a huge demon on the other side of the breached hull. She makes it through though, even if she had to move a crate to jump to higher places of the damaged ship.

When she reaches the bow of the ship, she sees her old friend Gebel standing before her holding a tome. Floating behind him is Gremory, a great duke of Hell with many arms. Gebel speaks to Miriam.

“So, Sleeping Beauty. You've decided to awaken.”

“Gebel! Tell me you didn't do this. It doesn't make any sense!”

“How does it not? After all the sins humans wrought upon us? ”

“Johannes told me what they did to you. And you're right, it's horrible. But what you're doing now is just as bad!”

“No! No, there you are very wrong! What the Alchemists did was reshuffle our bodies.What I intend to do is reshuffle the world! I'd say I've earned the right. Join me, Miriam.You're the only one who understands the pain I feel. What it's like to no longer be human…”

“What…? I never thought I'd hear those words from you. I was the one that came to you broken, convinced I was a monster. And you told me—”

“This is nonsense.”

“You TOLD ME!… Our power doesn't make us good or bad. Our choices do. I'd given up on my humanity, but you restored my hope. Don't you remember?!”



“Master Gebel… We must return.”
“!… Yes.”
“Miriam, I tire of reminiscing with you. You're here to kill me, aren't you? Then first prove you can find me. Along the way, you'll have no choice but to absorb shards and avail yourself of the powers of hell. If you can still claim to be human at the end of it all, then perhaps I might be more inclined to listen. Come, Gremory. We're leaving.”

“Gebel! Wait!”

Gebel whips his cloak around to face Gremory. The demon covers him in her many arms before transforming into a red moon and quickly dissolves away.

A giant purple tentacle emerges from the sea and swipes at Mirriam. Easily front flipping over the attack, Miriam lands in a heroic pose and her eyes raise to face a great monstrosity. A bulbous toothy body growls at her, and above that body is a tall sea maiden with a crystal horn and glowing eyes who screams in rage at the young shardbinder. Its lower body belches out water as massive arms push the bow of the boat downward. The ship rocks at it lets go to move beneath the waves. It erupts in a spray of sea water port side. Vepar spits a deadly high-pressure beam of water from its upper head, trying to slice Miriam in two. Miriam battles the demon enough that it retreats back to the bow of the boat where it's lower body belches out two of the demons Miriam first encountered in her quarters. Vepar seems to be the mother to these sea demons, pregnant with these Seama. The demon's upper half looks like a naked woman. This monster probably lures sailors to their doom as they wish to get closer to her large (but not pregnant large) bosom.

The Seama creep closer to Miriam, but she uses them as a shield as Vepar's upper body streams another high-pressure water attack. Miriam unholsters a flint lock pistol she found in the ship and cracks a shot at this mother of monsters. With one final slash of her sword, Vepar screams in defeat as she crystalizes and shatters. Miriam audibly congratulates herself as she was the untouched victor in this brawl before Vepar's shard binds to Miriam's crystal. Miriam steadies and says to hersefl,

“I saw it… just a flicker… That was the Gebel I know. I will put a stop to all this.”

An assault of violins race as the camera rushes through a village to halt at a towering castle. A boom of thunder can be heard as the voice of Solid Snake badassedly says, “Bloodstained”.

The violins shift to a mournful tune as she Galleon Minerva arrives at it's destination with only two remaining souls. Johannes speaks to Mirriam.

“We're here.”

“Was this a village? What happened to it…? The demons Gebel summoned?”

“They've moved faster than we hoped. Miriam, we have to hurry. This was where we were supposed to meet our contact.”

“All right, but wait. Let me clear the area. There are still demons about.”

Miriam clears a way to the village. It is eerily quiet as village buildings burn and demons wander the street. The whole sky is red, including the sun, stained by the volcanic eruption of the Laki volcano. Ahead she sees a very young girl fallen to the ground. Her small arm raised defensively as a black oily mass of shambling bones lurch forward at her. The progress of the demon is halted as a holy woman slides in between the girl and the demon. A crack is heard, then the demon dissolves like paper burned away in a flash. Miriam has kicked the Morte demon back to Hell. Dominique speaks to Miriam with Anne behind her.

“Thank you, Miriam.”

“You know who I am? Then that means…”

Johannes arrives and apologizes,

“I'm sorry we couldn't get here sooner, Dominique.”

“So this is our contact.”

“Yes, the Church sent me.”

“An exorcist? Then we're lucky to have you, Dominique.”

“And the Church you, Miriam. Thank you for guiding her here, Johannes.”
“You wouldn't have asked if it wasn't important. But you should tell us why you need her. Miriam isn't one to shy away from danger… but she deserves to be armed with all the facts.”
“Yes. Very well. I told you when I contacted you that the Shardbinder Gebel is responsible for summoning the castle.”

“Yes, there's no mistake about that. He admitted as much.”

“What? You spoke to him?!”
“Then let me get right to the point. I find it curious that the outpouring of demons facilitated by one Shardbinder just happens to coincide with the sudden awakening of the other Shardbinder after exactly ten years.”
“You're right, it is strange. But the Church doesn't get to drag Miriam into this just because the timing is odd.”
“Oh, do you decide for her, then? I asked you to bring her here so she could see the horrors that have befallen the village and make an informed choice.”
“I have no intention of forcing you, Miriam.”

“You don't have to. I gave Gebel my word that I would stop him. What happened here only strengthens my resolve.”

“Thank you Miriam. I am sorry to put it on your shoulders.”
“Umm, pardon me…”
“Oh, hello there. Are you all right? We didn't mean to ignore you.”
“I'm all right. Thank you.”
“You are quite welcome. Do you have a name?”
“What a lovely name. Anne, you shouldn't be out here. Let me take you somewhere safe.”
“Oh, all right!”
“Come on. This way.”

Everyone enters a building with a large sturdy multi level basement where villagers of Ardantville gather for defense. Dominique continues to Johannes and Mirriam, with Anne close by.

“I did some looking around before, and this place seems secure.”
“Yes, agreed…”
“Johannes, you, Anne and I will remain here. We can assist Miriam from safe ground. ”
“What? We can't ask her to brave the castle alone.”
“Don't be foolish. She is trained in combat. Are you? We would only get in the way.”
“That's not the point—”

“I'll be fine, Johannes. Please don't worry.”

“Ah, all right. But we'll be here if you need us.”
“Let's not waste any time. We have a lot to do.”
“Come back if you need anything. I'll get a workshop running so I can perform alchemy for you.”

“Thank you, Johannes.”

“I know you're strong, but…be careful?”

“Aha, I will.”

Miriam takes a moment to visit the shop Dominique and Anne have set up. Miriam talks to Anne.

“Hello! I hope you're ready to loosen those purse strings.”

Miriam then talks to Dominique.

“Miriam! Welcome. Since this is your first time here, let me tell you a little bit about the supply post.”


“I have made arrangements so you can buy and sell items here. I would have liked to provide what you need for free, but seeing as we are largely cut off from the Church's funds out here. “I will need money in order to keep the supply post stocked. I hope you don't mind paying.”

“No, I understand. I appreciate you doing what you can.”

“I can also buy shards from you if you no longer need them.”

“Wait. Is trade in demon shards even allowed?”

“Of course. The Church would sooner gather them up and make certain they are purified. I am not permitted to sell them, but I can buy them off you. “You may want to keep extras since possessing multiple shards of the same type amplifies its power, but there is a limit to how far that can go. And more importantly, if you carry a large number of shards, your body's corruption…”

“May accelerate, but I'll find a way to deal with that myself.”

“I still recommend selling your shards as a means of making money.”

“All right. I know you're looking out for me.”

“I think that explains everything. Now, would you like to have a look around?”

Mirriam browses Dominique's wares.

“Oh! I forgot to give this to you. It's the key to the building. You can use it to explore further in.”

“Thank you.”

“I invited the other survivors inside where it's safe. They all have troubles that need resolving, if you can spare them the time.”

“I'll do what I can.”

“I know you will. Come back any time. I'll be praying for you.”

Miriam finishes shopping before heading across the basement to Johannes and his newly set up alchemy station.

“Ah, here she is! You have to marvel at the Church's resources. Look at what they've provided for us.”

“I know. It's incredible.”

“So, what I can do for you here in the workshop is take materials you bring me and transmute them into new items. But the alchemy is easier to show you than explain. Here, I have some materials we can use, so let's try transmuting them.”
“Once I've transmuted an item, I'll pass it on to Dominique so she can carry it at the supply post for you. I'll do my best to inform you of what items you can make from what materials. But when it comes to items I don't know about, you'll have to find a formula for me and bring it here.”

“I understand.”

“Also, the demon crystal you've obtained—the shards—those can be transmuted the same way as items. Each shard requires specific materials, but it's worth it to make your shards more useful. Try it when you get the chance.”

“I think I will.”

“Also, neither one of us has been eating well. No wonder, considering the struggle we've been through to survive. If you bring me the ingredients, I can use alchemy to prepare meals for us. With proper nutrition and a varied diet, you have the potential to get much stronger.”
”(Eating a new food for the first time will provide Miriam with a stat boost.)”

Miriam finishes learning basic alchemy then heads upstairs where she meets one of the villagers, Lindsay.

“You there! It was awful. Those monsters came out of nowhere. We ran for dear life.”

“Where are the others?”

“Dead, most of them. My dear husband included…”


“Those devils have to pay! Those murderers! You look strong, miss. I'm begging you! Help me!”

“If it's within my power.”

“Oh, thank you. My name is Lindsay. What's yours?”


“Well, Miriam, I'll gather whatever information I can about the monsters that wronged us. I want you to hunt down the monsters and take vengeance on them. The efforts won't go unrewarded, I promise you that.”

“All right, I'll do it.”

“Here's what I've turned up on the monsters.”

(Here Lindsay (which may be named after a FanGamer employee) can offer monster bounty quests depending on how far Miriam has explored into the Hellhold. These are the various things Lindsay and Miriam can say to one another.)

“Help my husband rest in peace. Kill that murderer dead!”

When Miriam accepts a new bounty, Lindsay will say with great conviction:

“Kill those murderers dead!”

Once all bounty missions are complete Lindsay will say:

“Thank you for everything. The departed can all be at peace now.”

Venturing just outside the door of the shelter, Miriam finds Harry who greets her.

“I'm glad my fields are rid of those monsters, but they're in a terrible state. I'll need to replant everything…”

“What will you grow?”

“I haven't decided yet. Oh, where are my manners. I'm Harry.”


“Tell me, Miriam, do you have anything I might be able to grow? Because if you let me do the farming, I'll give you your share of the harvest and you won't even have to lift a finger.”

“All right. I'll keep an eye out.”

“Good. I'll be waiting in the fields.”

Harry and Miriam can converse with the following lines.

“Here to plant something?”

“Can you plant this?”

“Sure. I'll get to work.”

“I don't have anything.”

“That's too bad. Drop by if you turn anything up.”
“These things take time to grow.”
“Look how far the crop's come!”
“We'll be harvesting in no time.”
“I finished the harvest. Here's your share.”
“Good. You know where to find me.”

Just across from Harry, Miriam meets Abigail who says mournfully,

“What a bloodbath. We were slaughtered…”


“But you're not like us. You're strong. I saw you fighting.”

“Oh, it was more luck than skill.”

“Humble, too. My name is Abigail. What's yours?”


“Well, Miriam, might I ask you a favor? I want to give the dead a proper burial.”

“Of course.”

“But that's not going to be possible for some. In the very least, though, I'd like to bury some keepsake for each of them. A valkyrie like you should have no trouble finding such things.”
“Can I count on you? I'll see that you're rewarded.”

“I'd be happy to do it.”

“Thank you.”

“Then let me show you…”

These are the lines Abigail and Miriam can say to one another. All of the names are references to Castlevania. (I wonder who killed them? *cough* KONAMI *cough*)

“How are you, Miriam?”

“Getting by.”

“Here's what you asked for.”

“This is it. That's one more villager we can lay to rest. Here's your reward.”
“This is the keepsake I'm looking for.”

“Right. I'll see if I can find it.”

“Come back when you can.”
“This is it. That's the fifth villager we'll be able to lay to rest. Here's your reward.”
“Help my little sister Rosaly rest in peace!”
“Help my cousin Annette rest in peace!”
“Help my neighbor Lisa rest in peace!”
“Help James the stonemason rest in peace!”
“Help Dr. Simon rest in peace!”
“Help Porter the cattleman rest in peace!”
“Help Juste the painter rest in peace!”
“Help Edward the smith rest in peace!”
“Help Julius the chandler rest in peace!”
“Help Dario the chimney sweep rest in peace!”
“Help Pastor Trevor rest in peace!”
“Help my cousin's friend Martha rest in peace!”
“Help Mathius the glassblower rest in peace!”
“Help Soleiyu the sexton rest in peace!”
“Help Michael the miller rest in peace!”
“Help Mitta the housemaid rest in peace!”
“Help Sister Sypha rest in peace!”
“Help Jacob the tailor rest in peace!”
“Help Dan the wheelwright rest in peace!”
“Help Richter the ruffian rest in peace!”
“Help Shawn the merchant rest in peace!”
“Help Isaac, the man who stood in water, rest in peace!”
“Help Stephen the dyer rest in peace!”
“Help Richard the carpenter rest in peace!”

“Help Carl the cooper rest in peace!”

“Now all the dead will be remembered.”

Back near Anne and Dominique, an elderly lady named Suzie gains Miriam's attention.

“I'd rather keel over and die than spend another moment in a living hell like this one.”

“Oh, don't say that.”

“Never you mind me, young lady. What's your name? I'm Susie. ”

“Miriam. Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Well… I do enjoy a good meal. But I can't remember the names of the dishes I like. ”

“I'll help you figure it out. I promise.”

“I suppose I'll stick around and wait a little while longer.”

As Miriam feeds that grandma they may say the following lines to each other.

“Did you bring it?”
“That's it! How did you know? Oh, I can't wait to try it.”
“It's delicious!”

“ (Save some for me?)”

“I feel a little better. Thank you, miss.”

“You're welcome. Don't give up. You're going to get through this!”

“I'm sorry for the trouble, but this isn't what I want. Oh, if I could just remember the name…”

“Don't worry, Susie. I'll get it right.”

“Oh, you don't have it? Well, I'll keep waiting.”

“Is there anything else you'd like to eat?”

“Yes, actually. But hang it all, I can't remember what it's called…”

“I'll help you figure it out.”

“Can I get you anything else to eat?”

“Oh my yes, If I could just remember what it's called…”

“Umm, could you give me just a little more to work with?”

“Wait! I think I might actually have the recipe. Here you are, miss.”

“Oh, this does look good. (It looks amazing!) You stay right there. I'll find a way to get it for you.”

“What was your name again, miss?”


“Thank you, Miriam. You've gone through so much trouble just for me.”

“Nonsense. You've made me a better cook.”

“When you need help, look to others the way I did. Someone as kind as you will come along, you deserve that.”

“Well, that's nice of you to say.”

“It's true. You'll see. Here's a little kindness for you right now.”

“Thank you, Susie.”

“You're welcome. I hope you don't mind if I tuck myself in. All that food has made me sleepy.”

“Of course. Good night.”


Miriam embarks on her exploration of the Hellhold. Demon crows caw and fly away as she approaches the draw bridge. On either side of the path are many statues of angels, their wings half open, as they stare to their empty hands that look like they held something now lost. After lowering the drawbridge, Miriam steps boldly into a dark and quiet room. A large angel statue plumets from unexpected heights and smashes down right in front of Miriam. Was someone trying to drop that on her, or is the castle itself trying to kill her? Similar statues to those outside hold metal braziers that alight with purple fire, illuminating the room and revealing it's unnaturally large space and unimaginably tall ceiling. The adventurous music sings in Miriam's mind as she runs though long hallways of demons. Portraits of what must be the alchemists line the walls.

Tall pillars with platforms lead to upper levels. One room has a huge fountain filled with blood. Chandeliers large enough to walk on tilt as Miriam uses them to push farther into the Hellhold. Old book shelves hold remnants of a journal that help complete this story. I'll not leave their contents here, but those descriptions are nearby and I encourage you to read them all and note their dates.

Rooms with the same elegant couch Miriam found on the galleon are also found here and offer rest. Near one of these, Miriam finds Alfred. He doesn't notice her at first as he appears to be kneeling down to draw something with chalk. He is startled and magic flames ignite around his hands, but once he recognizes his visitor he extinguishes them.

“Miriam? It can't be.”


“Why are you here? Johannes. That fool of an apprentice should have stayed out of this…”

“You have a lot to explain for. After all the terrible things you've done!”

“All that is in the past. I'll not be defending my actions to you.”

“Don't I deserve it? You were like a father to me.”

“Enough, child. I am here for the book! Gebel has the book!”

“What are you talking about?”

“If you don't already know, then let us keep it that way.”


Johannes runs into the room. He must have followed behind Miriam to keep an eye on her as she cut her path to this point in the castle's entrance.

“Alfred! How are you still alive?!”
“What were you thinking, in coming here?”
“You can answer my question first.”
“All that matters is that I am alive. Did you come here for the book?”
“Book…? The Liber Logaeth?”
“Make no mistake. I won't let anyone touch that tome but me.”
“Not even you should touch it! Didn't what happened ten years ago teach you anything? ”
“I don't have time to argue with you. I just hope you are wise enough not to get in my way.”
“You know full well my power exceeds yours. Take Miriam and leave this place. Otherwise… you will die.”

Alfred uses magic to slip away, leaving Johannes and Miriam alone.

“I came here because something didn't feel right. But I didn't expect him.”

“Johannes, what is the Liber Logaeth?”

“It's… it's a book the Alchemy Guild once possessed that allows for the summoning of spirits. The Guild used it to bring about the calamity ten years ago. And the Shardbinders' crystal acted as a kind of catalyst.”

“A book like that shouldn't even exist.”

“I know. Alfred must be trying to restore the Alchemy Guild to power. But we cannot let him lay hands on the Liber Logaeth.”

“He said Gebel had it… You know, I think I might have seen it.”

“It makes sense, considering the situation we're in.”

“He must have gotten his hands on it after surviving the sacrifice.”

“So now I have to stop Alfred too.”

“No. Let's focus on Gebel. If we can get to him and the book before Alfred does, we'll kill two birds with one stone.”

“Good point. All right.”

“… Dominique might know what to do about Alfred in the meantime. I'll head back to the village and see what she has to say.”

Johannes exits, and Miriam presses onward. She discovers the Garden of Silence, and on one balcony notes a red moon. It is probably red due to the volcanic eruption, but it looks much like the red moon Gremory transformed into when leaving with Gebel as it's edges seem to strangely glow. In a nearby room, Miriam meets Zangetsu.

“Stop right there.”


“I know what you are—that ghastly air about you. You reek of sorcery, Shardbinder.”

“Aha. And what am I to make of you?”

The samurai walks out of the shadows menacingly. One of his eyes is covered, one of his arms is mechanical, and his body is scared. He says “Me, I'm your executioner.” (Please note this line is subtitled on the screen as “Me? I am your executioner.” but it's not in the typical dialogue box and you won't find a text string associated with it along with the rest of this story text.) Zangestu is a chain wrapped around his chest, bandages around his waist, and protective papers with Japanese writing called offuda stuck on his arm and torso. He draws a long katana from its sheath and attacks Miriam.

Zangetsu uses his chain to grapple to the ceiling. He throws down exploding kunai and charges his sword with elemental attacks. Still wearing the sea creature helmet, shoots the swordsman with a gun and evades enough of Zangetsu's attacks long enough before Dominique enters the room and reprimands Zangetsu.

“Cease this at once, Zangetsu!”
“Here we go.”
“How many times do I have to tell you? Our enemies are the demons and those in league with them.”
“And I say what is the difference. The Alchemists were the gunmen, the Shardbinders the gun. All must be dismantled.”
“In the case of the Alchemists, you are right. They coveted the powers of hell and must pay for it. But Miriam is not like them. She is fighting for us, at great personal risk. ”
“Really? You forget how many of our friends perished for similarly misplacing their faith.”
“And do I look as weak? Look closer.”
“I was bored with her anyway.”
“Do your job, Zangetsu. You need to put a stop to Alfred.”
“And I will. But you listen to me, Shardbinder… If you value your life, then stay out of my sight. You can hold me to my word, Dominique, but don't presume to tell me what else I can or cannot do.”

With slow and deliberate steps, Zangetsu leaves.

“I apologize for my acquaintance. He had no right to speak to you like that.”

“Pay it no mind. I've been through worse.”

“I want you to know that I trust you, Miriam—and nothing anyone says could ever sway that trust.”

“You have my thanks. It's nice to know that I have someone on my side.”

“Zangetsu is a demon hunter from a land far to the east. In the tumult of a decade ago… …Perhaps even longer…demons robbed him everything precious to him and he's despised everything to do with them since. His strength, however, is second to none.”

“I saw it for myself. I could tell he was holding back, but he was a handful regardless.”

“Maybe it was a lack of conviction that dulled his blade… Well, I'll be off, then. I mustn't leave Anne alone for too long.”

Dominique leaves. Miriam continues to explore and comes upon Benjamin, the village idiot somehow trapped in the castle. Miriam will find him in various places throughout the castle because he keeps getting lost. She gives him a waystone each time, but he manages to bungle using it somehow. (This character is named after Ben Judd, IGA's agent at the time of the Kickstarter.)

“Oye! Wait a minute, are you human?”

“What does it look like?”

“I-I'm not sure. Your body is covered with weird decorations…”

“Yes, but these are… These are all the rage in Paris.”

“Oh. Paris?! Wow. I've never been to Spain. The name's Benjamin.”

“I'm Miriam. Benjamin, you shouldn't be here.”

“I know I know, but I'm so scared I can't even stand up.”
“Damn! I just want to go home.”

“(Do I have any items that could help get him home?)”

“This… This here will help me escape?”

“Yes. Picture your house and don't let go of that thought.”

“All right, all right, I'll try.”

“I think it worked.”

In the underground caverns Benjaman can be found again.

“Benjamin? What are you doing here?!”

“Oh… Sorry. Right before I went whoosh, I remember this huge waterfall I saw on my travels and… and uhm… ”

“You want me to kick you?”

“I said I'm sorry! Can we just try this again?”
“Oh, THANK you for bringing this!”

“Now remember. Picture your house. YOUR. HOUSE.”

“Oh, well, I'm not daft you know… Oh! Before I go, let me give you this for helping me.”

“…Should I assume that worked or not?”

If Miriam doesn't have a waystone to give, Benjamin will say:

“Oh, you didn't bring the goods. That's too bad.”

Benjamin can also be found stuck in the Japanese area.

“Benjamin… Seriously?”

“It wasn't my fault, Miriam, I swear!”

“I hope you're ready to live here forever.”

“Oh, come on! Please, you can't tell me your mind has never wandered.”
“For just one split second, I remembered this mystic land called Nippon that I'd heard about, and…”

“Farewell, Benjamin.”

“Wait wait wait! Don't leave me here!”

“If I find you in even one more strange place… Foot. Skull.”

“All right, all right. But could you please help me? Please? Yes? Say yes.”
“Oh yeah. I'm going to get it right this time.”

“You had better get it right this time.”

“I always knew you cared.”

“Get OUT of here!”

“I'm gettin'! I'm gettin'! Kisses! Love you! Don't change! Mean it! Hope I don't see you again!”

“Unbelievable. I had better make sure he made it back to the village.”

If Miriam doesn't have a waystone to give, Benjamin will say:

“I won't get anywhere unless you deliver the goods. Could you bring me the usual item?”

When Benjamin finally gets home he says the following.

“Miriam! Look who made it home! Well done, eh?”

“Thank heavens for miracles.”

“I know, I know! Sorry for, you know… before. Here, take this.”

“What is it?”

“Oh, just a little family heirloom. I think it will serve you better than me. ”

“Thank you, Benjamin. I appreciate it.”

“You go get 'em, Miriam!”

Miriam continues her exploration and finds the Dian Cecht Cathedral. Giant demon cats swipe at her as she passes. Large bells ring as she uses them to climb further up the heights of the towers. Stained glass windows depict mysterious figures. Eventually, she finds a room with a demon barber standing in front of a portrait of Dominique.

“A demon?!”

“Wait, I'm a good Killer Barber”

“Butchers and cutthroats all say as much.”

“I'm not a cutthroat! I've never cut anyone! W…well, I have, but it's these scissors! They've cursed me to become a demon.”

“Then why not cast them aside?”

“C-cast them aside? If I could take them off, I wouldn't be cursed! …Duh!”


“The name's Todd. And the only way my curse will be lifted is if I barber my way through 666 different hairstyles.”

“Why not just make the hairstyles up, then? Lop a little off here or there.”

“There's a penalty for sloppy lopping. If I don't give my patrons good haircuts, the scissors kill them dead.”

“You have the worst curse ever.”

“Yes. Quite literally yes. Please, can you help me find information about hairstyles? I'll cut you for free!”

“That is not an enticing offer.”

“No, not cut you, CUT— Wait, what are you even worried about? You look like you could rip me into a hundred pieces.”

“I really could. All right, you have a deal.”

Miriam sits in the chair provided. (Previewing the different hair styles Todd the barber can provide is a bit distracting with the new stone mask on her face which somehow made it's way from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure to this game. Todd's name is a reference to Sweeny Todd. The following are things Todd and Miriam can say to each other.)

“So, miss… Shall I take a little off the top?”
“The look suits you, fine.”

“Fascinating… People do their hair like this?”

“Todd has mastered a new hairstyle!”
“A shame. My scissors are extra sharp today…”
“Well, you got over that hairstyle quickly. What'll it be this time?”
“Changed your mind? Good. I'll get you snipped in a snap.”

Miriam continues her quest and find a room with many stained glass windows. One window in particular seems to have a hidden message, because if you look at it upside down you will notice a demon and text that says, “Hell”. Before this can be investigated closely, a giant stained glass hand breaks through the window and attacks. It screeches and skitters like a spider to try and grab Miriam or give her a giant thump. Defeating it grants Miriam a new shard that let's her lift large objects with the hand.

This is useful, as Miriam back tracks to the Garden of Silence. After some piano playing with her trusty fairy like famiar, Miriam meets the Coachman.

“Fancy a ride, milady?”

“Why? Are you offering one?”

“I could take you someplace most interesting. The rub, of course, is that obstacle standing squarely in our path. See?”

“I think I might have an idea.”

“Unless you have a giant hand, ideas alone won't get you far.”
“I'll take you to a place which might be interesting for you. Kindly remain seated during the journey.”

The unicorn like demon leaps an amazing distance as the camera zooms in on Miriam crossed legged, legs hanging off the back. When landing, the unicorn like demon smashes through a large rock. One that looked even too large for a giant hand to lift. The undead coachman and his chariot deliver Miriam to the other side.

“We are here.”

If you don't have the Craftwork shard yet you get the following (amazing) lines.

“I doubt I would be able to push it aside.”

“A shame you don't have a giant hand. Ah, the wild and crazy things one could do with a giant hand…”
“What you need is a giant hand. Giant hands do giant things… said no one in particular ever.”

Visiting Dominique's shop often can use the following lines.

“Miriam, you're back! You should visit more often.”

“I have something new to offer you.”

“Hello, Miriam. I appreciate your patronage.”

“Remember not to rely too heavily on the shards.”

“Have anything you would like me to buy back?”

“I can buy shards back, if you like.”

“Hello. What can I do for you?”

“Hello. How can I help you?”

“Did you forget something?”

“My my, you're giving me a lot of attention on this visit.”

“Hello. Is something on your mind?”

“Thank you. Come back any time.”

“Thank you. I'll be here if you need me.”

At one point, visiting Dominique's shop may result in the following conversation.

“Dominique, why do you go so far out of your way for Johannes and I?”

“What? I'm not going out of my way. People should help each other out. And you are paying me.”

“True, but you have a good heart.”

“Never good enough. Even the best of us carry a little pain, a little darkness deep down where others can't see it. But such is life. What can I help you with?”

Miriam's exploration will take her to the Towers of Twin Dragons. The towers spiral up to the sky, with clockwork gears both inside and outside the tower structures. An elevator that accelerates far too quickly violently stops at it's destination between floors of the towers. In one of these towers, Miriam finds Gebel with Gremory hovering close by.


“Well, well. Look at all the shards you've amassed. How does it feel to command the power of demons?”

“It feels like nothing. Just power. And so long as I'm in control of it, human power.”

“You're a fool if you think you can soak up that much of their deviltry and still call yourself human.”

“I'm not the fool here. And I will never give in to you or them.”

“Oh, never say never, Miriam.”

From behind Miriam, a shard of ice flies over her head at Gebil as she manages to duck under it just in time. Alfred runs past her.

“I have you now, Gebel! The Liber Logaeth belongs to me, and I shall see it returned!”
“How are you still even alive? I take no orders from a DEAD MAN WALKING!”

Gebel hurls a giant fireball at Alfred, but it is blocked by some floating sigil shield of light.

“Hmph. And now you die. My next attack will not miss.”

Gremory interrupts.

“Master, you must conserve your energy for King Bael.”
“Hmm, so I must. You are lucky, old man.”
“Lost him…”

“Alfred! I won't let you use the Liber Logaeth to plunge the world into— ”

“I must give chase while the trail is still fresh.”


After Alfred teleports away, Miriam continues onward. She discovers the Libre Ex Machina, a vast library. One flying demon here seems friendly enough, as once Miriam hesitates to attack it, the succubus bestows a blessing to her. She discovers a room with a demon named Andraealphus and gains the double jump shard. In a room nearby she finds O.D.

“Is there something I can help you with, human?”

“Hm? That aura about you. You're a vampire!”

“And what of it? Will you murder me for that alone? I've picked no quarrel with you.”


“My name is Orlok Dracule, but you may call me OD. I oversee this library, Miss… ”

“Miriam. Am I permitted to take out books from this library of yours?”

“Of course, Miriam…although you would be my first human patron. The books here are magical tomes that impart power to their readers. As long as you are here, why not avail yourself of their boons?”

Mirim takes a book.

“Be certain to return what you borrow. This is a library, not a bookshop.”

O.D. may have the following lines when using his services.

“Here to take out a book?”

“Oh. Changed your mind?”

“First, let's put back what I lent you before.”

“Very well.”

“I cannot lend you any more until you return what you have.”

“I've come by some new reading material.”

“You're quite the avid reader. I suppose it's only fair I let you borrow more books at once.”

“Hmm, you've proven yourself trustworthy. Feel free to take out more books at once if you like.”

“As you wish.”

“That tome is especially valuable. Make absolutely sure you return it.”

“Is this the book you wish to borrow?”

After visiting the train O.D. the following conversation is available.

“OD, you seem to know a lot.”


“How does one board the train here in the castle?”

“That old thing? Why would you want to?”


“You need credentials to pass through the station gate. I could give you mine…”


“…BUT, the credentials must carry your photograph in order to be valid.”

“My what?”

“Ah, that's right. Your kind hasn't invented photography yet. But if anyone has come close, it would be the Church. If you know any men or women of the cloth, they may be able to help you. ”

“Thank you.”

If Miriam already has the photograph that Dominique takes these lines will happen.

“A photograph! I have one of those!”

“Well now. Miss Prepared.”

“Ha ha ha.”

If Miriam comes back with a photograph these lines will happen.

“I brought a photograph.”

“May I see it? …Hmm, this should suffice. Give me just a moment. Here you are. Your very own credentials.”

“Wow! Thank you, OD!”

To pass the train station conversations with Dominique and OD will happen, and the silver bromide after the twin dragons fight will be required. I am unsure of the following conversations order or how much of it may be unused.

“Dominique, what is all this machinery?”

“That is photographic equipment we've been working on.”


“To put it more plainly, it allows me to capture images of real life: landscapes, people.”

“What? Really? Can I try it?”

If Miriam already has the silver bromide:

“Unfortunately, I don't have the silver bromide I need.”

“I have that right here.”

“Then let's make some photographs.”

If Miriam does not have the silver bromide:

“Unfortunately, I don't have the materials I need.”

“I'll see if I can find it. Be right back.”

If Miriam talks to OD about photographs before Dominique:

“Dominique, do you know what a “photograph” is?”

“Now that's a surprise question. Did someone tell you I would?”

“No! No. (I can't tell her a vampire sent me…)”

“Well, you are in luck. The machine in the red room in the back is for photography.”

“Which is…?”

“To put it more plainly, it allows me to capture images of real life: landscapes, people.”

“What? Really? Can I try it?”

“Unfortunately, it requires silver bromide, which I don't have.”

When Dominique gets the silver bromide she will take the picture for Miriam.

“Relax. You look too serious.”

“It's not easy to smile on command, you know.”

“Well, do your best. And hold still. Don't move a muscle until I tell you.”



“Aaaand…you can breathe now.”


“All finished. You can move around if you want.”


“Here you are: one photograph. Keep it as a memento.”

“It looks exactly like me! How strange!”

I haven't triggered the following conversation where Dominique talks about the train, so I'm not sure of the order of these lines or if they are unused.

“Dominique, I found a gate that's locked by what seems to be some kind of contraption.”

“Dominique, I found a gate that simply refuses to open.”

“Do you have any ideas how I might get through?”

“Where was it?”

“I saw what looked like a train on the other side.”

“Well, I have heard tales of a demon train—one so prestigious that only a handful of the brethren of the dark may use it.”

“Brethren of the dark…?”

“Oh, you know. Vampires and the like.”


“Want to have a look at my wares? It might give you an idea.”

Dominique has various hints for what you need to do next depending on what you've done so far. Well, Zangetsu has the hints and delivers them to you through Dominique.

If you haven't got double jump yet:

“You know, I consider myself a high jumper, but there are places in the castle that even I can't reach.”

“Something's wrong with this place. The architecture seems off.”

“Well remember, the castle came straight from hell. It's not going to work the way we expect. Who's to say it was meant to be inhabited in the first place?”

“Hmm… Zangetsu is investigating the castle too. How does he get around?”

“Well, your jump strength is a result of the crystal augmenting your flesh. But his comes from training and discipline that have enabled him to transcend human limits. I understand he has the ability to jump a second time in midair.”

“What? He does not.”

“Funny you should mention Zangetsu. He sent a message arrow, which reads: “In the shrine to the printed word, seek the demon bounding across the sky”

“Well… Maybe that demon's shard would allow me to jump in midair.”

“If so, it would open new avenues for you within the castle. Is there anything else you need while you're here?”

If you haven't moved the obstruction from the coachman's way:

“I found a carriage that will take me across the courtyard bridge, but a stone statue is blocking the way.”

“What a coincidence. An message arrow just arrived from Zangetsu: “In the temple of rainbow glass, seek the demon carrying a stone statue in tribute.”
“Perhaps that demon's shard is just the power you need.”

“Does Zangetsu have Herculean strength? How did he manage to cross the bridge?”

“He drew a little scetch here at the bottom of a burly man leaping a great chasm.” (Oh look, a misspelling in the game.)

“Oh, come on.”

“Is there anything else you need?”

If you haven't got the reflector shard from Bathin yet:

“There's this narrow horizontal opening I'm trying to squeeze through. Any ideas?”

“As a matter of fact, Zangetsu just sent a message arrow about that.”
“In the gruesome hall of experiments, seek the demon darting through narrow holes.”

“Darts”? Sounds difficult to catch.”

“Even the trickiest creatures have a weakness. You will find it. Now is there anything else you need from me?”

If you haven't drained the fountain of blood yet:

“Another message arrow has arrived from Zangetsu.”
“In this chamber where the bell tolls, seek the demon woman basking in blood.” A female vampire, perhaps?”

“Vampires drink blood. They don't bask in it.”

“Wait, there's more.”
“The room was an ocean of gore—from some grisly battle perhaps?”
“And if I'm reading this right, the demon he spoke of was able to instantly collect this blood without laying hand or lips on it.”

“Well, that means even the slightest wound in her presence would put me in danger.”

“She won't be easy to defeat. You had best go in prepared.”

The following tip does not appear in the game due to cut content for the boss that would grant the shard that lets you explore under water.

“I want to explore underwater but I can't seem to dive very deep.”

“The shards must be keeping you afloat.”

“Has Zangetsu explored underwater?”

“I hear he can breathe underwater. Some ancient Eastern art of aquatic respiration.”


“He's sent a message arrow; let's read it. “In the caverns, seek the turtle-like demon swimming the waters.”
“Apparently, it expels water for propulsion.”

“Then its shard…”

”…May provide you the mobility you need. So what can I assist you with today?”
“Hello, miss. The samurai man sent you a letter. Something about a huge turtle.”

“Oh, good. What does it say in full?”

“In the caverns, seek the turtle-like demon swimming the waters.”

“Turtles do swim…”

“Then I might be able to as well, if I can procure its shard.”

“If you say so. Can I help you with anything else?”

If you haven't got the invert shard yet:

“Even though I've learned to jump in midair, there are still places in the castle I can't reach.”

“Even Zangetsu must be scratching his head.”

“What? But I heard Zangetsu had developed the ability to fly.”

“Ah, What.”

“Here, he sent a message arrow. “In the searing hot caves, seek the strange demon.”

“Strange demon”? That's it?”

“He says he saw the Demon falling up.”

“I'm not sure I understand, but it sounds like finding that demon is my best lead.”

“I agree. Now is there anything else you need?”
“Hello, miss. A letter came from the samurai man. Something about a strange demon.”

“Oh? And what exactly does the letter say?”

“Let's see… It says something about lava, and the demon falling up toward the ceiling!”

“I'm not sure I understand, but I'll see if I can track this demon down.”

“Does the castle really have lava in it? How does that work? Anyway, here to buy anything?”

(Or, if Dominique is missing from the shop for some reason.)

“Hello, miss. The samurai man sent a letter.”

“What does it say?”

“In the great garden, seek the lunatic moon.”

“The moon? Of course! So that's where I should go.”

“You understand what he means? Whatever it is, it sounds scary… Now would be a good time to stock up.”

Johannes will say different lines when using his services.

“At it early this morning, I see.”

“Staying up late tonight?”

“Hi, Miriam.”

“Are you eating properly?”

“It's good to see you.”

“I haven't seen you in a while. I've been worried.”

“Hello. Things have gotten a little more lively around here lately. Just a little.”

“So what'll it be?”

“What are we transmuting this time?”

“Is this good?”

“Is this what you want?”

“All right then.”

“Then what'll it be?”

“Here goes…”


“There, all done.”

“Ooh, I like it!”

“You outdid yourself this time.”

“Looks delicious.”

“Well, it's…something.”

“Oh ho hooo…my.”

“What's next?”

“Anything else?”

“Stop back often.”

“Come back anytime.”

“Promise you'll stop Gebel no matter what.”

“Come back if things start to go awry.”

“Pace yourself out there.”

Sometimes visiting Johannes will have unique dialogues.

“Johannes, can you tell me more about what happened ten years ago?”

“It started when the interests of the rich shifted away from the spiritual and esoteric in favor of more material investments. The Alchemists' research was expensive. The guild members didn't want to lose their wealthy patrons. So they warned again and again that demons would come if people let go of their spirituality. But people don't change that easily, so the Alchemists took a more drastic measure.”

“You mean us. The Shardbinders.”

“Yes. It shames me that I was even connected to what they did, but at least you have the facts of it.”

“It's all right. Thank you for telling me.”


“Oh, about the castle: it may not be much help, but let me tell you what I know. The castle itself was summoned from hell, demons and all. But the site it rests on is where the Alchemists' Guild once lay. So you may find traces of our facilities intermingled with the rest.”

“Now that you mention it, I do remember seeing an area dedicated to the study of eastern mysticism.”

“Yes, and another of us was researching how to create giant organisms… Anyway, just be mindful of the facilities' existence. The knowledge may keep you out of harm's way while you explore.”

“All right. Thank you.”


“Johannes, you know how all the Shardbinders were sacrificed during the rite all those years ago?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Why did Gebel survive?”

“I've wondered about that myself, but I don't know. He hasn't stopped the crystals from corrupting him the way you have. Which is strange. It's been ten years. The corruption should be overtaking him more quickly.”

“So maybe the answer is connected to that somehow.”

“Something about his constitution?”



“Alfred was your master, wasn't he?”

“Former master. Why?”

“I don't know. I was just wondering if you remember anything about him that I don't.”

“Fair enough. As I recall, he was studying ways of drastically slowing down objects. He was a genius, to be quite honest. But I have no respect for that now.”

“Why not?”

“Because he fought against sacrificing you right to the final moment, only to change his mind like a coward.”

“I see… Thank you.”


“Johannes, how was it you figured out a way to stop the crystal from corrupting me?”

“I hate to say it, but I borrowed a bit from Alfred's research. He was studying ways to slow down objects. My attempts only worked when I placed Enochian script equivalent to what he chose in the same circular pattern.”

“Uh, I think I understand. Sort of.”

“Do you now?”

“I understand that you're far smarter than me.”

“And a poor teacher, apparently…”


“Did you see the Eastern man in the red armor? He was at Dominique's supply post.”

“You mean Zangetsu? Be careful around that one.”

“He thinks Shardbinders and Alchemists are as bad as demons.”

“He said he'd cut us down if he saw us again.”

“Well, we did technically start all this. But I agree he doesn't need to be so savage.”

“Those scars on his body tell the story of a rough life.”

“Ooh, well then…I'd better keep my distance.”

“That you should.”


“Oh. Miriam. You often bring up your promise to Gebel. But only vaguely, never in detail.”


“Yes. Are you ever going to tell me the whole story?”

“Well…back then, the experiments left me feeling stripped of my humanity. The pain from the crystal was a constant reminder. At one point, I lost my will to live entirely. Gebel and I got into a fight over some stupid thing, and I shouted, “How long are you going to pretend you're human? We're monsters now. But I'll never forget what he said to me.”

“If we ask for the demons' power, then we're monsters. But if people force us to take it, then our power doesn't make us good or bad. Our choices do. That freedom of choice is proof we're human.”

“It cheered me right up. I felt like a person again. And that was when we promised to stop each other if we ever lost the ability to choose. Sorry, I know it's a long story.”

“No, no. I'm glad I asked about it. And that you were willing to tell me.”

“Of course.”


“If you ever encounter a demon named Bael, run.”

“I haven't, but I'm curious why I should.”

“Because he's the most powerful of the seventy-two demons. A quick escape may be the only thing that saves you.”


“You know, shard research has advanced during the ten years you slept.”

“How so?”

“By using alchemy to add new matter to the shards, we can change their properties. They evolve. For example, an offensive shard's range may widen, or reach targets further away.”

“Ahh, so they'll become easier to use.”

“To put it more simply, yes. But I should make special mention of enchantment shards. They require a large number of materials to transmute, but they function similarly to skill shards. In other words, they work even when you don't have them equipped.”

“That is quite an advancement.”

“Tell me, what exactly IS the Liber Logaeth?”

“A book written by an alchemist named John Dee. It's written in Enochian script, which is said to be the language of angels. The book has the power to summon good spirits.”

“But demons are not good spirits.”

“Power is power. If you can summon good spirits, then all it takes is some changes to the structure of the rite to summon something else entirely.”

“I suppose that makes sense. You researchers come up with some wild ideas…”


“So Johannes, you and Dominique are old acquaintances?”

“Yes. She's risked much to help us despite her position in the Church. For example, she arranged for the galleon that took us here. And she gave us use of one of her homes. That was where you first woke up.”

“Why would she be so kind?”

“I don't know, but she seems interested in alchemy. She even helped me develop the rite that stopped the crystal from overtaking you. As far as I'm concerned, she took us in after the Guild's destruction when no one else would, and has allowed me to continue in my research. We owe her a huge debt.”

“We do.”

At one point, Zangetsu can be found at Dominique's shop, but he doesn't stick around for long.

“I suppose you have a point, but…”
“We are done talking. I must go.”
“We're NOT done talking, I— And there he goes.”
“Sorry you had to see that.”

“He really doesn't like me, does he?”

“He's just stubborn. Can I help you with something?”


“Really? In that case…”
“Her again?”
“Wait, you still haven't told me—”
“Sorry, Miriam.”

“It's all right. I'm used to it.”

“The gifted ones are always the hardest to manage. So what can I do for you?”

After Miriam has her credentials for the train, she can find Zangetsu at the train station.


“Wait! I didn't come here to fight!”

“Then you should not have come at all! But our clash may have to wait. ”

“This train…”

“You catch on quickly.”
“I have business further ahead, but I find myself at odds with the powerful witchery driving these carriages.”

“Surely nothing a man of your ability cannot handle?”

“I already conducted a search inside. But there is an area I cannot pass because of the…sorcery it requires.”

“Ah… Well, it just so happens I have business ahead as well. Does this mean we have a truce?”

“For now. What?”

The train begins to leave, so Zangetsu latches on with his chain grapple. He grabs Miriam by the waist and they leap to the train and begin fighting their way to the engine. A timer starts counting down. When they reach a place where Miriam can't proceed Zangetsu exclaims, “Miriam, get on this chain.” to help her climb to the top of the box cars during the action. When they reach a door that can only be opened with magic, he says, “Miriam, get this open!”. When they reach the boss at the front of the train he says, “I will cut down anyone who opposes me!” Together, the two defeat the demon train and Zantetsu thanks her.

“You have my thanks.”

“Save your thanks. I didn't do it for you.”

“Fine. But I owe you all the same. You are a fierce one, Shardbinder Miriam.”

Zangetsu turns and quickly leaves.

After the train ride, Miriam finds Dominique in a laboratory.

“Oh. Miriam.”

“Dominique. What are you doing here?”

“Looking for Zangetsu. Have you seen him?”

“Yes, we fought together aboard the train. Perhaps I misjudged his intentions.”

“What? Zangetsu was with you? But that's…”

“Is something wrong?”

“I asked him to go to the underground sands, but he must have chosen to disregard that request.”
“If you see him again, would you ask him to report back to me?”

“All right.”

“Alfred could spring a trap on any one of us at any time. I hope Zangetsu gets his priorities straight.”
“Thank you, Miriam. And stay safe.”

Dominique exists the laboratory. Miriam continues and battles Bathen to obtain the reflector ray.

The reflector ray can be used to reach farther in the cathedral to find a woman bathing in blood. Bloodless says, “I need more blood.” and rises. “Blood steal,” she says as the blood she is bathing in swirls around her and forms her dress and parasol. She laughs, twirls her umbrella, then peeks from behind it, smiles and spins on her heel before attacking Miriam. As Miriam wears Bloodless down, her clothes dwindle away as her blood supply is depleted. She takes a moment to recall all the blood in the room, but Miriam is ultimately victorious. The new shard ability Miriam gets can drain the fountain in the castle entrance of all it's blood, revealing a passage to the Forbidden Underground Waterway. This will lead to the Forbidden Sands that Dominique mentioned earlier.

Miriam finds Alfred in the Forbidden Sands as he is crouched away from her drawing a sigil in chalk. As if he were expecting someone else, he greets her.

“Oh, come to see me have you?”

He turns around and is surprised it is instead Miriam.

“Miriam, what are you doing here?”

“I ought to ask you the same.”

“I commanded you to leave this place!”

“I cannot. I gave Gebel my word and I intend to keep it.”

“Very well. This sigil was not meant for you, but we are far enough from the castle that if it can contain you here…”
“Good-bye, Miriam.”

The two battle.

“This power you have is even greater than I imagined. I must get back the book! ”

“That will never happen.”

“I have to make it happen. I've waited too long for this chance. Our last chance…”

Alfred teleports away. In a nearby chamber Miriam can now get the Deep Sinker shard.

After using the deep sinker shard in the underground caverns, Miriam finds the Secret Sorcery Lab where she happens upon Dominique and Alfred conversing.

“Wait, what? That's Dominique…and Alfred?”

“This was your proposal, exorcist. Explain yourself.”
“I should have been there. But you broke your word as well when you laid that trap for me.”
“I wasn't about to allow the book to fall into your hands.”
“Why would I want it?”
”…Revenge, perhaps. For your parents?“
“Someone has been putting ideas in your head.”

Alfred teleports away. (He does that often.)

“No! Wait!”

Dominique turns to converse with Miriam.

“I would have preferred you not see that.”

“So the trap Alfred laid was for you?”

“Yes. And that's why I sent Zangetsu to deal with it. He has the power to stop Alfred from teleporting. I thought he might be able to contain Alfred while we dealt with our bigger problems here.”

“It makes sense. But what was all that about your parents? Revenge?”

“I don't want you to get the wrong idea, so I suppose I had better tell you. My parents were exorcists, like me. But during the demon outpouring ten years ago, they were killed in battle. So I have my reasons for hating demons, and that accursed book…”

“I'm so sorry… You must hate us all for it.”

“I let go of the hatred years ago. All that matters now is that I gain control of the Liber Logaeth and prevent it from ever being used for evil again.”

“All right. I'll help you.”

“Thank you. I'll do all I can for you in return.”

Dominique leaves. Miriam finds a doppelganger that looks and fights like she does but defeats it. She continues on to the Inferno Cave where she acquires the invert ability. This allows her to find the Aegis Plate armor which allows passage through spikes high above the castle entrance to the Oriental Sorcery Lab. This is when Miriam will once again face Zangetsu.

“I've been waiting for you, Miriam.”

”…The Shardbinders should be struck from existence, is that it?“

“Correct. But I am here to test you, not end you.”

“I have no quarrel with you, Zangetsu.”

“Perhaps not, but carnage is the language I speak. If we are to come to an understanding, this is how we do it. Now fight as if your life depended on it.”

Once Zangetsu's test is concluded:

“Enough. How do you expect me to fight as if my life depends on it when you are clearly not?”

“Heh. You could tell?”

“With your skill, you could have destroyed me in a heartbeat.”

“I have a gift for you.”

“What are you doing?”

“My sword, the Zangetsuto. I came to England in pursuit of a demon named Gremory. Only by that blade may she be cut down.”

“Gremory? That's the demon that attends Gebel. But why give the sword to me?”

“I have tried making contact with Gremory, but I have yet to cross paths with her even once.”

“You think she's avoiding you?”

“She must be. And surely you have noticed? That man you are after, Gebel? Gremory is controlling him.”


“But her hold on him is not absolute. Perhaps you have seen signs: a moment of weakness, a diminishing of his resolve…”

“Yes, when I faced him on the galleon.”

“Good. That means your ties to Gebel are still stronger than Gremory's. And she knows it, which means she will not allow Gebel to be alone with you. When she appears, use that blade and cut her down.”

“But wait. Why not come with me and do it yourself?”

“Because if she fears me more than she fears relinquishing Gebel, then we risk losing her. I will have my vengeance on her. Even if it means parting with the sword. And there is something else I need to clear up while you deal with Gremory.”

“All right. I will finish what you started.”

“What I started… I am certain you will.”

Miriam leaves and speaks with Jonnaes.

“Zangetsu said Gebel is being controlled by a demon named Gremory.”

“Gremory… of the seventy-two demons.”

“I knew Gebel wasn't a monster. He's possessed by one.”

“Then there's a good chance we can free him.”

“I'll do whatever it takes.”

“So will I. But Gremory… This explains so much. Gebel could never have accomplished something this heinous with his crystal alone… Now adding Gremory's power to his? That pushes it into the realm of possibility. Oh. Sorry. Once I start theorizing I can't be stopped…”

Miriam leaves to confront Gebel and finds him in the throne room.

“What took you so long? Now that you've tasted the power of so many shards, I presume you're ready to join me. ”

“You presume wrongly. I'm here to keep my promise to you, and nothing else.”

“What promise?”

“You really have forgotten, then.”

“I swore to you that I would stop you if your Shardbinder power ever manifested itself against your will. You made the same oath to me.”

“Ha, please. You think I wield this power unwillingly?”

“I do. I've known it since our meeting on the galleon. But there was a moment when I saw a flicker of the real Gebel beneath all that hate.”

“Fool! I've heard enough! If you want to stop me, you will have to do it by force.”

“As you wish. It's time to free you of this once and for all.”

(Gebel says, “Next time obey.” before attacking.)

Miriam and Gebel battle, and should she fully defeat him the following conversation happens.

”<agonized scream>“

“Forgive me, Gebel.”

“You…you did the right thing, Miriam. Thank you…”
”<agonized scream>“

“But was it…the right thing?”

(You hear the voice of Gremory taunt:)

“With that many shards bound to you, you will be all too easy to possess. ”

”<shriek as she is overtaken>“

This results in a game over.

If Miriam is fighting Gebel before being given Zangetsu's sword and she wins, the following ending will happen.

“Is it over?”

“We did what we came here to do. We stopped Gebel.”

“But the castle is still there… The demons…”

“Yes, but Dominique and the Church can take it from here.”

“You think so? I have a bad feeling about all of this.”

“What would you have us do? It's out of our hands now.”


Alternatively, Miriam and Gebel battle until she notices the moon by the throne shines red. She uses the Zangetsuto to slice the moon and reveal Gremory, the Liber Logaeth floating near her. Alfred suddenly appears and snatches the book exclaiming, “At last, the Liber logaeth is mine.” He promptly teleports away. “Think again!” Gremory says, then vanishes as well. Gebel slumps to his knees.

”<agonized scream>“
“M…Miriam? I…I've missed you.”

“I knew you were in there. I knew it.”

“You kept your promise… Thank you…”

“What's going on? No, the corruption shouldn't spread this fast…”

“It's better this way. The world can be rid of me. But this castle. We cannot allow it to…”

“Shh, I know. I'll destroy it. But you're going to live, Gebel.”

“I'm glad I got to see you smile… one last…”

“Gebel? GEBEL!”

The crystal curse consumes Gebel, clothes and all. He becomes a red crystal statue. The scene fades to black, then Johannes and Miriam are in the throne room mourning the crystalized form of their friend.

“It shouldn't have come to this my friend.”

“Are you ready, Johannes?”

“I am if you are.”

“Yes. I have a new promise to keep.”

“If you plan to destroy the castle, you won't be able to do it without the Liber Logaeth.”

“Then I need to track down Alfred.”

“Gremory will be after him, too.”
“Tracking Gremory might be faster.”

“The moon, you mean… I'll try it.”

Miriam exits, leaving Gebel and Johannes to slice the suspicious moon in the Garden of Silence. When sliced, the moon transforms into Gremory, who say, “Curse you.” The demon retreats into a dark swirling portal which remains open. Miriam follows through the portal and finds herself in the Den of Behemoths. She sees Alfred stumble and hold the wall before sliding down and slumping over, badly wounded.


“Th-the book…”

“The Liber Logaeth? What about it?”

“Sh…she stole it…”

Zangetsu runs in with Johannes.

“I brought your apprentice like you— !What happened here?”
“Master! Who did this to you?”
“Th…thank you, Zangetsu. Johannes… I must…beg a boon of you…”
“What? Oh, all right.”
“Miriam, we need to talk.”


Johannes tends to Alfred as Miriam and Zangetsu have a conversation nearby.

“I thought Alfred was our enemy.”

“Dominique seemed so keen on pitting me against the old alchemist that I decided to have a word with him after you and I fought. And unfortunately, he confirmed my suspicion.”

“Which is?”

“Dominique has been manipulating us this whole time. I'm not certain why.”

“Wait, what?!”

“If she had wanted to deal with this mess in an expedient manner, she would have sent you and me to deal with Gebel together. But instead, she divided our strength and insisted I chase after Alfred. It didn't make any sense. Alfred was never trying to get in our way.”

“I'm not sure about you, but he got in my way.”

“You misunderstand. All he wanted was to keep you as far away from the castle as possible.”


“Because you were the most attuned.”

“Attuned to what?”

“Of all the humans transplanted with crystal, you had the greatest ability to wield the demons' power. Alfred feared you would be used.”

“Then why didn't he say so?”

“Would you have believed him? Dominique had already won over you and Johannes both.And even if you had been inclined to listen, He knew you too well to think that you would back down.”

“I suppose I wouldn't have…”

“What do you think Dominique is plotting?”

“As I said, I know not. We will just have to find her and ask her.”

With sagging shoulders, Johannes informs Miriam.

“Miriam… The master wants to talk to you.”

Miriam runs to Alfred, who looks to be in bad shape.

“M…Miriam… Forgive me for dragging you into all this. I am responsible for all your misfortunes. I hope…you can find it in your heart…to….”

”…Alfred?“ Miriam utters, as his head slumps and he breathes no more. Miriam is joined by Johannes and Zangetsu.


“He must have known he would not leave here alive. We can grieve later; right now, we need to put an end to all this or his death will mean nothing.”
“You're right.”
“Johannes, he explained everything to you?”
“Yes. I know what I need to do.”
“Then let us begin. First, Gremory. She can't be far, but her mastery of subspace allows her to move about freely.”
“In other words, she's likely to slip away again.”
“I have a way of stopping her from leaving. She knows I have given up the Zangetsuto, and will spring at me then, believing me powerless. That is when you strike. I will go on ahead. Join me as soon as you think you are ready.”

Zangetsu slowly turns away, then speeds off leaving Johannes and Miriam in the direction from which Alfred had come.

“I can't do much of anything until you get back the Liber Logaeth. I'm sorry I can't be of more help, but for now this is in your hands, Miriam. Be safe.”

“I will, Johannes.”

“I'll be in the village if you need me.”

Johannes leaves back in the direction of the portal. Miriam goes back to check and see if Dominique is at her shop, but finds Anne there instead.

“Hello, miss!”

“Huh? No Dominique?”

“She said she had something to take care of. I'm holding down the fort while she's gone.”

“Good girl. But who will handle these shards for me?”

“Don't worry! She taught me how to do it!”

“What? That sounds…horribly unsafe.”

“Try me if you don't believe me.”

Anne can have the following lines when she is running the shop.

“Welcome! I haven't seen the nice lady around in a while. Have a look around.”

“Hello, miss. What can I do for you today?”

“Hello, miss! I've got lots of great things in stock!”

“Hello, miss! I'm going to sell lots of stuff while the nice lady is gone. Want to see what I've got?”

“Have a look around.”

“Hello, miss! I haven't seen you in a long time. You'd better make up for it in sales.”

“I still owe you my life.”

“So there are still demons outside? They're so scary.”

“Hello miss. You're looking fit as ever.”

“What are you looking to buy?”

“What are you looking to sell?”

“Is this right?”

“Then we have a deal.”

“Thank you!”

“Many thanks.”

“Can I help you with something else.”

“Come by again soon.”

“Is there anything the matter?”

“Did you forget something?”

“What do you want to buy?”

“What do you want to sell?”

“Is this right?”

“Here you are!”

“Thank you!”

“Pleasure doing business!”

“So what'll it be?”

“Come again!”

“What is it?”

“Forget something?”

When Miriam visits Johannes at his shop after Alfred has passed, he will explain the following.

“I've learned the truth about your slumber, Miriam. As I suspected, it was Alfred's doing.”

“Why did Alfred choose me?”

“To create a catalyst capable of stopping time must have taken years upon years. He only had time to save one of you.”

“But why me, then?”

“Because you were the most attuned.”

“Zangetsu said the same thing.”

“To put it a different way, if all the crystal of all the Shardbinders had been brought together to create one big catalyst, then your power would have accounted for half of it.”

“I'm not sure if that's something to be proud of…”

“With half the catalysts' power missing, Alfred knew the experiment would fail. Blood would be spilled, but at least the world would have some chance of being able to stop the demons. Granted, even half the Shardbinders' power caused unthinkable tragedy.”

“Yes… It did”

“But Alfred must have realized the experiment was going to proceed regardless of our objections, and decided half measures were better than no measures at all.”

“It sounds as though you've found a little forgiveness for him.”

Visiting Johannes at his shop afterwards will have him say:

“You have to stop Dominique.”

Miriam makes it through the Den of Behemoths to the Glacial Tomb. Deep within she discovers that Zangetsu has found Gremory.

“I have you now… Nehan jakujoh!”

A mass of ofuda seal the area, preventing any escape. Gremory taunts him.

“Fool! You just made your last mistake.”

A bloody portal opens from beneath Zangetsu and many hands grab him and drag him down to some unknown fate below. Miriam runs to assist. Zangetsu looks over his shoulder to Miriam with his final words: “Good luck, Miriam…”

Gremory raises her eight arms, the black circle of a moon above her crescent moon shaped horns and addresses the shardbinder.

“You may possess the blade now. But without him to wield it, it poses no real threat to me.”

“Wrong, demon. Zangetsu's wrath and mine are now one. You used Gebel, and now you will pay.”

(Gremory laughs) “Very amusing, wench. I do not have time for this, but seeing as I need your crystal, you leave me no choice.”

“Your wretched plans end here!”

“Bael, King of Kings, must be summoned. Prepare to be brought in line.”

“Die,” Gremory commands as she summons deadly purple magic at Miriam. Gremory opens portals to either side of her and pushes her arms through. The floor opens up with multitudes of grabbing hands that rush to take her. Red and yellow crescent moons fill the air and seek to slice at Miriam. From a portal, Gremory summons a gigantic blade to thrust at the young woman.

Miriam has lost Gebel because of this demon. She has lost Alfred, her father figure. Now Zangetsu has given his life so that she may have this opportunity. Miriam will not fail.

“The moon is full! Your final hour has come!” Gremory shouts and laughs. A giant moon beam spins around the room, looking to end Miriam. Violins dart out frantic notes in Miriam's determined mind.

The image of the moon grows huge behind Gremory and a column of dangerous moon light explodes around her in violent flashes. Miriam bests the demon though, and with a final “Curse you!” Gremory once again opens a swirling portal and is pulled through, but this time a shard breaks free to give Miriam Gremory's power of shifting through dimensions.

Deep in the icy tunnels, Miriam finds O.D.. He does not look happy.



“I warned you. What you take from the library, must be returned to the library. ”


“You'll pay for this transgression. Death is too kind for you!”

Should Miriam survive the late fee and visit O.D.'s office he will be there with a silly set of glasses with a false nose and mustache attached.

“OD! You're still alive?!”

“Vampire, remember?”

“Right. Sorry… I suppose you'll be wanting your book back.”

“No, you defeated me. Which means you now command me. Pillage my shelves as you please…”

Any time Miriam leaves with books, O.D. will say sourly:

“Pillage my shelves as you please…”

In the final depths of the Glacial Tomb, Miriam finally finds Dominique. When Dominique notices Miriam, she is surrounded by red energy. Her leggings and gloves burn away as she reveals her flesh has been entirely overtaken by crystal with the exception of a small part of her face.

“So even Gremory has failed me… Alfred was afraid of what you could do with the shards. But not I.”

“Look at you… Is that what you wanted? The crystal? You betrayed us, Dominique.”

“Oh, don't think me ungrateful. I have you and Johannes to thank for teaching me the Alchemists' lore and how to control the shards.”
“Shards, I might add, which you gave to me of your own will. Your sacrifice has become my strength.” (Unused, perhaps depending on how many shards you sold.)

“Why are you doing this?”

“Because once again the demons appeared, and once again God stayed silent… while his servants were slaughtered mercilessly one by one. So I began to wonder: what if there is no God? What if the lord we grovel and pray before is a lie, and our faith draws power from some other nameless, unspeakable thing? If so, I wash my hands of it. Because God can rot. I decided to seek a higher power. The power to slay gods.”

“Do you realize how many people have died as a result?”

“They deserved to die, because they were weak. And more will follow until I obtain all I desire.”

“This whole mess wasn't enough for you?”

“If the last summoning had been enough, I wouldn't have had to bring you here.”

“You're after a more powerful demon. Gebel's crystal wasn't enough to summon it. So you needed mine instead.”

“Smart girl. I like that. But your crystal was too clean, too pure. So I made sure you would obtain shards and acclimate yourself to demonic power. Then Gremory could possess you, after the battle with Gebel had worn you down. If Zangetsu hadn't betrayed me…”

“Doing the right thing isn't a betrayal.”

“You know what? I never expected to be put in a corner like this. You leave me no choice but to play my final card.”

Dominique raises her hand, the Liber Logaeth appearing above her.


“I will use my crystal and the Liber Logaeth to summon Bael, the ultimate demon!”

A dark portal begins to open. A deep growl heard beyond it.

“Do you realize what will happen to you?”

“Do you? You don't, so I'll tell you. There's a reason Gebel survived ten years ago.”

“What does he have to do with this?”

“It was in his blood. An exorcist, like me. Our blood suppressed the crystal corruption and effectively spared his life. And now I have surpassed him. -I- command the crystal through Enochian script. No demon is too powerful for me to summon, even if I cannot keep it here forever.”

“But the process must be slow, because I can see the summoning isn't complete.”

“Do you really think you can stop me before then?”

“Oh yes I do. You don't understand what power is for. You wield it stupidly, arrogantly. And now you will pay the price.”

Dominique attacks with a casual, “hello there” as she slides forward at an incredible speed with an elbow. Like Gebel and Miriam, Dominique is using powerful shard abilities. She slides and kicks with martial prowess, and even swipes at Miriam with some sort of whip.

Miriam is more powerful though, and Dominique warns, “You leave me no choice. BAEL, I summon thee to my side!”

Reality warps into a chaotic swirling vortex of clouds. Three huge twisting necks encircle Miriam, each with a different head. That of a frog, a cat and a red faced male demon which roar in hatred. Dominique protrudes from one of the foreheads, casting spells at Miriam.

Miriam dodges rings of sonic energy, fiery stones, and twin balls of lightning. Jumping to floating solid sigils of light, Miriam escapes the floor filling with lava and poison.

“You leave me no choice…” Dominique says, as the cat head opens its mouth to fire a giant laser beam. Miriam injures the heads one by one as Dominique continues to cast deadly rays of light.

With a final blow, the chaos is covered in shadow and Dominique shouts in pain. The heads descend down into Limbo with Dominique, leaving Miriam back to reality in the Glacial Tomb.

Johanes walks in.

“Dominique… She could have done so much good, but…”

“I know.”

“Wait. The Liber Logaeth.”

“The book that started it all. What are you going to do with it?”

“The same thing the master was trying to do. Before he died, he inscribed Enochian letters onto each of the castle's structural weaknesses. Now I will use the book to perform a rite here at the heart of the castle. The rite will activate the Enochian script and send the castle and demons back from whence they came.”

“So that's what Alfred was trying to accomplish.”

“We need to begin. Stand back, Miriam.”

Johanes reaches down and picks up the Liber Logaeth. He holds it out, and it floats into the air. Instead of the red energies that it displayed when Dominique used it, this time it glows with a radiant energy. Johannes bows his head and places his hands together. Various magic sigils flash in the air. He shouts with power as a giant symbol fills the room and flashes so bright only its light can be seen.

Outside, above the castle red clouds circle above it. The sigil appears over the castle, it's diameter large enough to encompass the entire structure. Towers begin to fall apart, but upward into the symbol.

Miriam and Johanes look on from the village until the whole castle is swallowed. Then in a flash, the skies that were filled with the toxic red ash of the Laki volcano are purified. Blue skies and white clouds stretch out to the horizon in all directions.

“It's over.”

“Yes. You've made the world right again.”

“Not without sacrifice. Gebel, Alfred, Zangetsu…”

“Gebel's fate was already sealed. There was nothing you could have done. And the master and Zangetsu made their own choices. They fought gladly and proudly for what they believed in. Lives like theirs deserve to be celebrated.”

“True. And demons still remain in this world. We can grieve later, after finishing the last of them off. ”

“That reminds me. The master took note of how I was forestalling your corruption and suggested some improvements.”

“I think I might be able to stop the crystal from overtaking you permanently.”


“I can't make any promises, but yes. I think.”

“Thank you Johannes.”

“And I'll do my best not to let you down. Come on, let's go home.”

“All right.”

Before they begin to walk away footsteps can be heard approaching, but too quiet for them to notice. (If the game is the original version, this is all.)

(If the game is patched, an additional small scene is included.)

Miriam thrusts the tip of Zangetsu's sword into the ground. The sword shines in the sun as it's hilt points towards the sky. Johanes and Miriam walk away. The camera fades to black, but then shows the spot where the sword was is now empty. A shadow slowly leaves the scene.

The following is the ending dialogue for Zangetsu mode, where he finds Miriam in the throne room instead of Gebel.

“Zangetsu. You dare challenge me?”

“So you have fallen to darkness. But never fear. I do not intend to hold back.”
“Dominique. Are you here to challenge me? ”
“Come to your senses, Miriam. You're human.”

“Not anymore. I don't know why I ever tried to pretend I was. It's so much easier this way.”

“Very well then. I'm glad I can be the one to lay you to rest.”