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Crafting Materials


All the stuff to grind.

Random filler words to extend table past toc.


Foodstuff Farm

Icon -Name- -ID- Buy Sell -Source- -Description-
Corn Seed SeedCorn 100 10 Shop, Blue Chest (Galleon: 1) Corn that has been kept for planting. You could use it to create more corn.
Rice Seed SeedRice 100 10 Shop, Blue Chest (Galleon: 1) Rice that has been kept for planting. You could use it to create more rice.
Potato Seed SeedPotato 100 10 Shop, Blue Chest (Galleon: 1) A potato that has been kept for planting. Salt allows you to grow a larger crop.
Rice Paddy 160 16 Farming A grain that features prominently in Eastern diets.
Corn Corn 100 10 Farming A vegetable covered in small yellow kernels. Feeds people and livestock.
Potato Potato 100 10 Farming A hardy tuber that thrives in poor soil. Beware the poisonous sprouts.


Foodstuff Shop

Icon -Name- -ID- Buy Sell -Source- -Description-
Cinnamon Cinnamon 100 10 Shop A spice with a unique aroma made from a type of tree bark.
Flour Flour 200 20 Shop A grain found in nearly every household and used in many dishes.
Egg Egg 100 10 Shop A freshly laid chicken egg. You can pick up the yolk with your fingers.
Sugar Sugar 100 10 Shop, Blue Chest (Galleon: 4) A sweetener and essential ingredient when making desserts.
Milk Milk 198 19 Shop Fresh milk packed with nutrients to help you grow strong.
Cacao Bean CacaoBean 100 10 Shop A fragrant bean that tastes bitter when you bite into it.
Baking Soda BakingSoda 100 10 Shop Powder used to make dough rise or remove stains from teacups.
Butter Butter 150 15 Shop A dairy product used in everything from sweets to sautés.
Soda Water Soda 200 20 Shop Carbonated water. Mix it with fruit juice for a delicious beverage.
Bread Bread 200 20 Shop A flour-based dough that has been leavened and then baked.

Foodstuff Craft

Icon -Name- -ID- Buy Sell -Source- -Description-
Consommé Consommé 800 80 Craft A clear, amber broth. Delicious served both hot and cold.
Salt Broth SaltBroth 1200 120 Craft A simple broth that has been flavored with salt.
Soy Broth SoyBroth 800 80 Craft A Nipponese broth flavored with soy sauce.
Tonkotsu Broth TonkotsuBroth 800 80 Craft A cloudy broth made by slowly boiling pork bones.
Miso Broth MisoBroth 800 80 Craft A hearty broth made with dissolved miso.
Heavy Cream HeavyCream 400 40 Craft A thick, white liquid made from butterfat.
Red Bean Paste RedBeanPaste 150 15 Craft Boiled, sweetened red beans that may be mashed and skinned or left whole.
Chinese Noodles ChineseNoodles 200 20 Craft Thin, frizzly noodles from China that are often consumed with broth.
Pasta Pasta 250 25 Craft Noodles made from durum wheat flour. They become chewy once boiled.
Pie Dough PieDough 400 40 Craft A dough made from flour and plenty of butter. Makes a nice, flaky crust.
Pizza Dough PizzaDough 300 30 Craft A flour-based dough that is kneaded and stretched into a thin circle.
Crepe Dough CrepeDough 700 70 Craft A dough made by soaking flour in water. It is rolled paper thin.
Curry Sauce CurrySauce 500 50 Craft A hot sauce made from a mixture of fragrant spices.
White Sauce WhiteSauce 500 50 Craft A white sauce made from a roux of fat and flour.
Vongole Sauce VongoleSauce 200 20 Craft A clam-based sauce that tastes delicious when tossed with pasta.

Foodstuff Chest

Icon -Name- -ID- Buy Sell -Source- -Description-
Soy Sauce SoySauce 500 50 Blue Chest (Oriental: 15) A liquid condiment made from soybeans that is essential to Eastern cuisine.
Miso Miso 500 50 Blue Chest (Oriental: 15) A paste of fermented soybeans that's hard on the eyes but full of flavor.
Black Pepper Pepper 100 10 Blue Chest (Underground: 4) A spice used to punch up cooking. Often appears next to salt.
Ginger Ginger 100 10 Blue Chest (Garden: 2, Tower: 2) A spice that imparts a refreshing bite and warms the body.
Garlic Garlic 100 10 Blue Chest (Livre: 7) A spice with a distinct smell that vampires utterly detest.
Curry Powder CurryPowder 300 30 Ordog, Blue Chest (Underground: 4, Inferno: 15), Green Chest (Forbidden: 2) A powdered mixture of fragrant spices that whets the appetite.
Rennet Rennet 100 10 Zagan, Haagenti, Blue Chest (Forbidden: 13) A complex of enzymes used to produce cheese.

Foodstuff Meat

Icon -Name- -ID- Buy Sell -Source- -Description-
Forneus Filet ForneusFilet 1000 100 Forneus Meat from Forneus. It's classified under white fish.
Aquatic Filet DeeseamaFilet 680 68 Deeseama Deeseama meat. It's extremely tough and rubbery.
G-Bone Steak G-LabolasFilet 198 19 Celaeno, Ocypete Meat from a glasya-labolas. The light flavor compliments any cuisine.
Plume Pork YorktonMeat 298 29 Plume Parma Pork from a plume parma. Try the sirloin; it's delicious.
Beast Beef ZaganMeat 1280 128 Zagan The meat of a zagan. It melts in your mouth with each bite.
Flying Beef HaagentiFilet 1980 198 Haagenti Scrumptious haagenti meat that will have you mooing for more.
Clam Clam 100 10 Scylla A shellfish that needs to be purged of sand before eating.
Sea Urchin Uni 300 30 Dullahammer A sea delicacy best enjoyed raw— the fresher the better.

Foodstuff Fruit

Icon -Name- -ID- Buy Sell -Source- -Description-
Tomato Tomato 100 10 Aello A ruby-red vegetable that appears in everything from salads to stews.
Strawberry Strawberry 200 20 Celaeno, Tamako-Death A sweet and sour fruit that makes delicious preserves.
Apple Apple 200 20 Ocypete A juicy, red fruit that can be eaten without removing the skin.
Lemon Lemon 200 20 Aello, Rul'sha A yellow and very sour fruit that can be used to mask the smell of fish.
Dragon Egg DragonsEgg 500 50 Dragon, Abyssal Dragon An egg laid by a dragon. Fetches good coin among gourmands.
Beast Milk MilkofZagan 498 49 Zagan Milk taken from a zagan. Truly the pinnacle of dairy delights.
Cheese Cheese 150 15 Giant Rat A dairy product made by fermenting milk.

Foodstuff Misc

Icon -Name- -ID- Buy Sell -Source- -Description-
Moco Oil MocoOil 100 10 Moco Weed , Giant Moco Oil harvested from moco weeds. Works wonders on the skin.
Moco Leek MocoOnion 150 15 Moco Weed , Giant Moco An onion harvested from moco weeds. Cooking it brings out its sweetness.
Fey Leaf DaturaLeaf 100 10 Moco Weed The poisonous leaf of a Datura. It can be made edible if properly heated.
Fell Leaf CerberaLeaf 100 10 Giant Moco The nutrient-rich leaf of a Cerbera. It is valued for its medicinal properties.
Red Bean RedBean 100 10 Gusion A type of bean grown in the Orient and used to make desserts.
Ambrosia Ambrosia 4771 477 Vul'sha A legendary fruit said to grant immortality.
Cocoa Cocoa 400 40 Buer A sweet beverage made from cacao beans.



Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Alkahest Alkhahest 800 80 Shop, Ghost, Poltergeist, Amy A single-use solvent that is used to break down transmuted materials.
Sulfur Sulfur 150 15 Shop An ore used in alchemy.
Saltpeter Saltpeter 150 15 Shop A niter ore.
Mercury Mercury 150 15 Shop A common alchemic material.
Sulfate Sulfate 150 15 Shop A liquid acid.
Gunpowder Gunpowder 150 15 Bomber Morte, Leraje, Giant Cannon A powder that burns quickly and explodes, making it useful, but dangerous to handle.
Ectoplasm Ectoplasm 150 15 Ghost, Amy A flossy, astral matter.
Halite Halite 50 5 Shop, Seama, Blue Chest (Galleon: 4) Salt extracted from rocks.

Metal 1

Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Bronze Bronze 338 33 Dullahammer, Chest (Blue Galleon: 4, Blue Entrance: 3) A metal that changes color from added tin.
Iron Iron 600 60 Dullahammer, Blood Grinder Knight, Carriage Morte, Chest (Blue Entrance: 6, Blue Dian: 4) A common form of metal.
Obsidian Obsidian 1350 135 Sabnock, Gargoyle, Light Elemental, Chest (Blue Entrance: 3, Blue Dian: 4) A black gemstone formed by volcanic lava.
Steel Steel 2400 240 Blood Grinder Knight, Sabnock, Buer Armor, Shovel Armor, Chest (Blue Garden: 2, Blue Tower: 2) A sturdy alloy made from iron ore that is easy to work with and suited for fine detailing.
Silver Silver 3750 375 Shield Outsider, Bloodbringer, Lance Armor, Blue Chest (Entrance: 1, Tower: 8, Livre: 1) A precious metal.
Damascus DamascusSteel 5400 540 Mimic, Puppy, Lance Armor, Axe Outsider, Blue Chest (Livre: 7, Underground: 4) A sturdy metal with attractive banding.

Metal 2

Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Mithril Mithril 7350 735 Axe Outsider, Blue Chest (Dian: 4, Livre: 7, Hall: 6), Bossrush1 An argent mineral that is both durable and light. However, only the finest of smiths can work it.
Platinum Platinum 9600 960 Axe Outsider, Zepar, Kunekune, Blue Chest (Dian: 4, Hall: 6, Forbidden: 37) A bright metal resistant to oxidation and corrosion. It is difficult to mine and quite precious.
Gold Gold 15000 1500 Craft, Blue Chest (Hidden: 24), Alkahest Not just any gold. This was created by Alchemists.
Crimsonite Hihiirokane 25350 2535 Ninja, Blue Chest (Oriental: 15) A legendary metal as bright as the sun.
Orichalcum Orichalcum 33750 3375 G Axe Outsider, Blue Chest (Glacial: 8) A legendary metal excavated from a lost country.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Ruby Ruby 2400 240 Buer Armor, Rul'sha, Fire Elemental, Blue Chest (Entrance: 1, Tower: 8, Livre: 1, Forbidden: 13) A scarlet gemstone.
Sapphire Sapphire 2400 240 Shovel Armor, Ice Elemental, Blue Chest (Entrance: 1, Tower: 8, Livre: 1, Forbidden: 13) A deep blue gemstone.
Emerald Emerald 2400 240 Thunder Elemental, Blue Chest (Entrance: 1, Tower: 8, Livre: 1, Forbidden: 13) A bright green gemstone.
Diamond Diamond 18150 1815 Light Elemental, Dark Elemental, Ice Elemental, Blue Chest (Secret: 10, Inferno: 15, Den: 13) A gemstone with a beautiful sparkle.
Bixbite Bixbite 21600 2160 Fire Elemental, Blue Chest (Inferno: 15) An extremely rare red gemstone.
Alexandrite Alexandrite 29400 2940 Ice Elemental, Blue Chest (Den: 13, Glacial: 8) A type of chrysoberyl with color-changing properties.
Crystal Clystal 12150 1215 Living Fossil, Blue Chest (Forbidden: 37, Hidden: 24, Secret: 10, Den: 13, Glacial: 8) A precious mineral with purifying properties that has been revered as holy since ancient times.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Cotton Hemp 600 60 Moco Weed, Blue Chest (Galleon: 4, Entrance: 3) Cloth made from a plant. It is durable, absorbent, and soft on the skin.
Hemp Cotton 3750 375 Barbatos, Blue Chest (Garden: 2, Tower: 2) Cloth made from plant fibers. It is comfortable to wear and breathes well, but falls apart easily.
Wool Felt 9600 960 Wolfman, Gamigin, Allocer, Blue Chest (Dian: 4, Hall: 6), Bossrush1 Versatile cloth made from sheep's wool that is cool in the summer and warm in winter.
Silk Silk 18150 1815 Allocer, Rocky, Kamikaze, Blue Chest (Secret: 10, Inferno: 15) Precious, lustrous cloth made from the cocoon of the silkworm. Prized since ancient times.
Cashmere Leather 33750 3375 Giant Buer, Blue Chest (Glacial: 8) A fine, downy wool taken from a goat. It is lightweight and quite lovely to look at.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Houndskin DemonDogSkin 180 18 Gieremund The hide of a demonic dog.
Monster Fur MonkeyFur 610 61 Simian A fur from a monster.
Leonine Pelt Buerfur 900 90 Buer The thick pelt of a lion demon.
Sinister Pelt Wolfmanfur 1210 121 Wolfman The pelt of an unusually cruel demon.
Durable Leather Decarabialeather 1370 137 Decarabia Tough leather that will not tear easily.
Strange Leather DevilBookLeather 1540 154 Dantalion Leather with unusual patterning.
Slimy Leather Decimaleather 2950 295 Deeseama Tough leather that still glistens with…ugh…
Demon Pelt Silverwolffur 3320 332 Macaron, Gusion A loathsome pelt taken from a demon.
Fiend Pelt Gusionfur 4450 445 Silver Wolfman A pelt clouded in darkness.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Dreadful Rag DemonCloth 610 61 Barbatos A scrap of cloth once worn by a demon.
Durable Rag Assasincloth 1880 188 Assassin A scrap of cloth once worn by an assassin.
Sinister Rag Lerajecloth 2230 223 Leraje, Cyhyraeth A scrap of cloth once worn by an especially awful demon.
Eastern Fabric Ninjacloth 4070 407 Ninja A scrap of cloth once worn by a shinobi.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Hellhorse Mane Gamiginhair 2590 259 Gamigin The mane of an untameable equine demon.
Water Horse Mane Glashtynhair 2950 295 Glashtyn The mane of a water horse.
Lion Mane ManeLion 360 36 Sabnock A very soft and fluffy mane.
Lion Lord's Mane Marbasmane 4450 445 Marbas A mane that continues to exude valor.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Elm ElmLumber 150 15 Cannon Morte, Blue Chest (Entrance: 6, Dian: 4) A cheap lumber.
Oak OakLumber 2400 240 Poltergeist, Carriage Morte, Blue Chest (Garden: 2, Tower: 2) A fairly sturdy lumber.
Walnut WalnutLumber 7350 735 Chair Mimic, Blue Chest (Livre: 7, Underground: 4) An extremely sturdy lumber.
Mahogany MahoganyLumber 12150 1215 Deathtrap, Blue Chest (Forbidden: 37, Hidden: 24, Secret: 10), Bossrush1 A rare and beautiful lumber.
Cypress CypressLumber 25350 2535 Deathtrap, Giant Cannon, Gusion Cannon A fine lumber favored in the East.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Monster Bird Hair MonsterBirdHair 1540 154 Celaeno The lovely hair of a demon…bird?
Thunderbird Plume ThunderbirdFeathers 1540 154 Celaeno A light, yet sturdy feather.
Flight Feather WindFeathers 2590 259 Ocypete An elegant feather.
Bovine Plume Haagentifeather 4070 407 Haagenti A feather imbued with the power of levitation.
Small Webbing BatFeather 180 18 Bat The wing membrane of a bat.
Toad Webbing Toadwing 2950 295 Water Leaper The wing membrane of a flying toad.
Demon Wing Gaapwing 4450 445 Gaap, Giant Bat A wing from a demon.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Monster Horn Chicomecoatlhorn 610 61 Zagan A horn taken from something horrible.
Demon Horn Gaaphorn 4070 407 Gaap A horn taken from something unspeakable.
Hellhorse Hoof Gamiginhoof 2590 259 Gamigin A hoof that has treaded on who knows what carnage.
Water Horse Hoof Glashtynhoof 2950 295 Glashtyn The hoof of a demon that lurks beneath the water.
Melting Bone MeltedBone 100 10 Bone Morte, Shield Outsider A bone that is slightly sticky to touch.
Dragon Bone Dragonbone 2950 295 Living Fossil A precious find, even in this castle.
Demon Bone Knightbone 3700 370 Volcano Morte A bone from a demon.
Imbrued Bone Bloodybone 4830 483 Master Carpenter, Bossrush2 A bone steeped in blood.
Melting Skull MeltingSkull 180 18 Bone Morte A skull that looks eerier from melting.
Sinister Skull Jeneralskull 1540 154 Shield Outsider A skull that is, against all odds, quite sinister.
Fiend Skull Warriorskull 4830 483 G Axe Outsider A skull embued with dark energy.
Imbrued Skull Bloodyskull 4830 483 Revenant, Bossrush2 A frightful skull that is bathed in blood.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Rat Teeth Giantratteeth 100 10 Giant Rat The incisors of a giant rat.
Bat Fang Batfang 180 18 Bat A fang from a bat.
Demon Dog Fang DemonDogFang 180 18 Gieremund A sharp fang from a demon canine.
Monster Fang Ivory 900 90 Buer A fang from a monster.
Sinister Fang Devilsfang 900 90 Demon, Puppy The fang of an unusually cruel demon.
Demon Fang Gusionfang 3320 332 Archdemon, Rocky, Giant Bat A fang from a demon.
Fiend Fang Marbasfang 4450 445 Silver Wolfman, Marbas A fang embued with dark energy.
Imbrued Fang Gieremundfang 4830 483 Millionaire's Bane, Bossrrush2 A fang caked with horrific amounts of blood.
Lycan Claw Wolfclaw 1210 121 Wolfman A razor-sharp wolf's claw.
Dragon Talons Dragonclaw 1880 188 Dragon A rare find: the talons of a dragon.
Demon Claw Apenail 3700 370 Hellhound A claw from a demon.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Rat Tail Giantrattail 100 10 Giant Rat The tail of a giant rat.
Demon Tail DevilRoyalTail 2950 295 Archdemon A tail from a demon.
Lili Tail Lilimtail 1880 188 Lili A charming prize taken from a murderous rabbit-lady-thing.
Queen's Tail Lamastutail 3320 332 Lamashtu An elegant and regal tail.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Toad Eye Poisontoadeye 180 18 Toad A slightly creepy, goggling eyeball.
Sinister Eye Evileye 1880 188 Poison Toad An evil eye, literally.
Demon Eye SeekerEye 4450 445 Seeker, Giant Toad The probing eye of a demon.
Fiend Eye DevilRoyalEyeball 4830 483 Tracer An eye that sees only darkness.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Toad Heart ToadHeart 610 61 Toad, Poison Toad, Water Leaper The heart of a…well, no need to spell it out.
Sinister Heart BelialHeart 900 90 Demon The heart of an unusually cruel demon.
Demon Heart EligosHeart 2950 295 Archdemon, Giant Toad The blackened heart of a demon.
Dragon Heart AbyssguardianHeart 4450 445 Abyssal Guardian A heart that continues to pulse angrily.
Fiend Heart MurmurHeart 4830 483 Demon Lord A heart that brims with darkness.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Monster Blood Toadfluid 610 61 Simian The blood of some hellish creature.
Aquatic Blood Misteriousfluid 2590 259 Scylla, Deeseama The blood of an aquatic demon.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Monster Bird Tear MonsterBirdTears 100 10 Aello, Ocypete A mysterious glowing liquid.
Witch's Tears Cyhyraethtear 2590 259 Cyhyraeth A liquid as red as blood.
Queen's Tears Lamastutear 3320 332 Tamako-Death, Lamashtu A liquid imbued with powerful sorcery.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Lili Ears Lilimear 1880 188 Lili The ears of a half-rabbit, half-human.
Faerie Wing Dineseawing 1880 188 Sidhe A wing plucked from a faerie.
Vespine Wing Tytaniawing 2590 259 Titania A wing plucked from a wasp-like faerie.
Faerie Dust FairyPowder 610 61 Carabosse, Titania Glittering dust produced from the scales of faerie wings.
Vespine Stinger TytaniaPoisonedNeedle 1880 188 Scythe Mite, Sidhe A stinger containing deadly venom.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Dragon Scale Dragonscales 1880 188 Dragon A scale as rigid as armor.
Dragon's Wrath Abyssguardianbastard 4450 445 Abyssal Guardian A rare scale that is oft said to be the source of a dragon's rage.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
Writhing Limb Recklesslimb 100 10 Seama A branch (?) that continues its disgusting flailing.
Sharp Razor SharpRazor 900 90 Killer Barber A razor that has cut through more than hair.
Tome Scrap DevilBookPaperStrip 1540 154 Dantalion A torn page that crackles with magic.
Sword Fragment deathBringerDebris 2590 259 Bloodbringer One piece of a shattered demon blade.
Chair Remnants Mimicchairdebris 2230 223 Chair Mimic A fragment claimed from the wreckage of a chair.
Grotesque Shell Mimicshell 1210 121 Scythe Mite, Mimic, Blood Bug The hardy shell of a monster.
Inhuman Carapace Dethtrapshell 3700 370 Blood Bug The formidable shell of a demon.
Cannon Scrap CannonDebris 100 10 Cannon Morte A scrap from a shattered cannon.
Gargoyle Stone Gargoyledebris 900 90 Gargoyle A fragment claimed from the wreckage of a gargoyle.


Icon Name ID Buy Sell Source Description
8-bit Coin 8BitCoin 4000 400 Shop, Green Chest Village A valuable coin that can be found in circulation.
16-bit Coin 16BitCoin 24000 2400 Shop, Bossrush1 A rare and valuable coin that can be found in circulation.
32-bit Coin 32BitCoin 64000 6400 Shop, Bossrush2 An extremely rare and valuable coin that can be found in circulation.
8-bit Nightmare Medal022 - - Eight Bit Overlord, Susie Quest A book inside which an ancient demon overlord has been imprisoned.
