===== Tutorial: Modifying a 3D Model's Texture; Step 5. ===== [[.:step4|<- Previous Step]] | [[.:|Tutorial Summary]] | [[.:step6|Next Step ->]] ---- ==== Import the Texture Into Unreal Engine ==== Return to the Epic Games Launcher. Once Unreal Engine version 4.22.3 has finished installing, click the yellow "Launch" button to open it. {{ :modding:modelling:tutorial_unreal_import_launch_button.png?nolink&300 |}} Once it's loaded, create a new blank project with no starter content. I placed this project next to my "ModelEdits" folder which contains the **.tga** texture file I'll be importing. {{ :modding:modelling:tutorial_unreal_import_new_project_miriam_head.png?nolink&800 |}} After that's created, select "Edit -> Project Settings..." from the menu bar. {{ :modding:modelling:tutorial_unreal_import_edit_project_settings.png?nolink&800 |}} Search for "pak" and **un**check "Use Pak File". {{ :modding:modelling:tutorial_unreal_uncheck_use_pak_file.png?nolink&800 |}} Search for "event driven" and make sure "Event Driven Loader Enabled" is **checked**. Then close this window. {{ :modding:modelling:tutorial_unreal_check_event_driven_loader.png?nolink&800 |}} In the Content Browser section, click the button on the left next to "Filters" to show the sources panel. {{ :modding:modelling:tutorial_unreal_show_sources_panel.png?nolink&800 |}} You will see an empty "Content" folder. Right click on it and create a new folder. {{ :modding:modelling:tutorial_unreal_empty_content_folder.png?nolink&400 |}} Your goal here will be to mimic the file path of the original **.uasset** file that contains the **.tga** texture you've modified, starting with "Core". Check your "extracted" folder from step 3 to verify the original path of the texture. {{ :modding:modelling:tutorial_texture:tutorial_unreal_texture_create_path.png?nolink&400 |}} Drag and drop your **.tga** texture file into Unreal's content browser inside of the deepest folder, "Face" folder in this case. {{ :modding:modelling:tutorial_texture:tutorial_unreal_texture_drag_in_content_browser.png?nolink&800 |}} Verify that the both the file path and texture name match the original **.uasset** path and filename (from the folder where you originally extracted the game's **.pak** file). If these don't match exactly, your edits won't show up in game. On the menu bar, click "File -> Save All". {{ :modding:modelling:tutorial_unreal_file_save_all.png?nolink&500 |}} Now you are ready to package the project and create the new **.uasset** files which will replace the old ones. On the menu bar, click "File -> Package Project -> Windows -> Windows (64-bit)". {{ :modding:modelling:tutorial_unreal_package_project.png?nolink&500 |}} In the dialog that pops up, create a "Cooked" folder and select it. {{ :modding:modelling:tutorial_unreal_package_project_select_location_dialog.png?nolink&700 |}} A popup notification will show, and will disappear when the packaging is complete. {{ :modding:modelling:tutorial_unreal_package_project_notification.png?nolink&600 |}} ---- [[.:step4|<- Previous Step]] | [[.:|Tutorial Summary]] | [[.:step6|Next Step ->]]