[[./start|]] ===== Tutorial: Modifying a 3D Model's Geometry ===== If you've already created a Bloodstained mod before, download any tools you don't have below then [[.:tutorial_mesh:step3|jump to step 3]]. ---- ==== Required Modding Tools ==== Before you start, you'll need to download the following tools: * [[https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/unreal|Unreal Engine 4]] * {{ :modding:tool_quickbms.zip |QuickBMS}} * [[https://www.gildor.org/en/projects/umodel|UE Viewer]] * {{ :modding:tool_unrealpak.zip |UnrealPak}} * [[https://github.com/Befzz/blender3d_import_psk_psa|PSK/PSA Importer Addon (for Blender users)]] You will also need to decide which 3D modelling software you'll use to edit the game's models. If you've never used 3D modelling software before, I recommend learning with **Blender** as it's free. We've successfully modded the game with these 3D modelling tools (Pick One): * [[https://www.blender.org/download/|Blender]] with the [[https://github.com/Befzz/blender3d_import_psk_psa|PSK/PSA Importer Addon Installed]] * [[https://www.autodesk.com/products/3ds-max/free-trial|3DS Max]] ---- ==== Steps ==== - [[.:tutorial_mesh:step1|Download Unreal Engine Version 4.22.3]] - [[.:tutorial_mesh:step2|Extract the Game's Assets]] - [[.:tutorial_mesh:step3|Find the Model You Want To Edit With UE Viewer]] - [[.:tutorial_mesh:step4|Edit the PSK File In Your Favorite 3D Modelling Software]] - [[.:tutorial_mesh:step5|Import the FBX File Into Unreal Engine]] - [[.:tutorial_mesh:step6|Create a New .pak File From the Newly Packaged .uasset Files]] ---- ==== Final Result ==== You'll give Miriam a long nose. {{:modding:modelling:tutorial_mesh:tutorial_complete_miriam_head.png?nolink|}}